Sullivan Street

Poems L-P

Little Zacchaeus

The firemen's parade
made its way every year
down 4th street
and we lived at house number 600 North.
My little brother Michael
was five the first July
that our mayor
rented a convertable Limousin
to ride with the siren trucks
wave and smile
tossing hard candy
by the handfulls
to the crowd.
Michael climbed up the Sycamore tree
in my neighbors front lawn
as the mayor passed by
I heard a cheer from above
and over my left shoulder I saw
Michael clapping and waving.
Like a little Zacchaeus
he climbed back down
and elbowed his way back with
the other children
to get a piece of
hard candy
before tires coming down the street
would smash the sugar

Matty For Sale

Sequel to Joey For Rent

(Dedicated to BR and how every day we sit in the campus center and wonder "whats going on here?!?")
That Matty
fancy sneakers
living off of stories
from those boys
who say
they know.
I want confusion
grabbing at their throats and
take them charging
out the
Dumb boys'll want us
soon enough
needing attention
as they
Matty for sale.
With side-kick Joey stylin'
let's just move them to Long Island
with those guys
who say
they know.

Magazine Rack

I look at the girls
with sunken eyes
and necklaces made
of bones and skin.
Belts of decay
and peel from within.
Shoes of nothingness.
Heel and sin.

Photograph Nails

I smelled someone snapping a picture
and upon turning back
I asked him what he wanted---
"In a most compelling way"
he said,
"you are part of the disturbing pattern I believe in."
This much sought after position
made up my emotional framework for the evening---
and the negatives of lips and teeth
to be made public on the street corners---
Concrete with plaster
grey and concecrated with my life and soul
left on display
for the crowd to gobble up
until their stomachs
Learned from Linda

Beef paddys on the griddle smell
of life drained out for a dollar twenty-five
and our teeth
marrow from what was ground up within
a circular slab of shrivling pain
from cage to block to pan
wincing as it hisses
swimming in a pond of schorching butter.
Injest into me this river
of blood and bone?!?
Yeah right, and maybe pigs will fly!
(Straight out of their pen and into a pan!)

No Way

"It isnt love. If you dont want to talk about it than it isnt love. Well, I guess I'm going to have to live without."

---Counting Crows

You cant build love on good intentions.
There is no way to become what you say you will become, you say.
We will become.
But I have stopped believing in you.
And I can finally say, I'm over us and over the way you looked at me in passing.
Lost smiles.
I cant believe there's no way of you coming back.
No way to become the summer again, and live as if a whole future was in the making.
Please don't pass the blame.
Somebody should have told you that good intentions only get you go far...
....the rest is up to you.
And everybody knows that now.

Never Trust a guy in a White Car

Never trust a guy who drives a white car
they are all the same.
Rich boys, sons of wealthy doctors, teachers,
mostly left lane drivers as they live their lives of danger.
I'd rather have another color to ride along in
instead of white with
those wolves in sheeps clothing
on four wheels.

"I wanted to see you walking away from me. Without the sensation that you're leaving me alone."

---Counting Crows

Nothing was left
or, as I thought the same.
Keep the music playing after all is finished.
Know how I feel for you.
Let it have no reason to matter.
The key was lost as the door was opened,
What started anyway?
Flowers cannot grow.
Well they do, but are confusing
justly thriving downward.
If the sun were to fall with the moon and go swimming
joining them, there I would be
in the middle of my elegant pleasures.
Waiting for you to come.
Branding my thoughts with your image.
And this peace that we would feel together
could calm the ocen waves.
Pick up the moon, grasp the sun
replace them in the sky.
Then find the key that was exchanged for all
my wonders and illusions.
Make my days worth living.
Carefree signs of long lost times and you
When everything was the same
and we were just beginning.

Lefty Up to Bat

"I belong in the service of the queen. I belong, anywhere but in between"
---Counting Crows

Lefty up to bat...
"Strike One!"
Looking at the backfield wall
" far away, so very far away...."
I hear him say
Sweaty palms and squinted eyes
He swings and misses, ("Strike Two!") what a surprize!
Standing on the pitchers mount
hoping he'll prove what he's worth....
"Strike Three! You're OUT!"
Miles around can hear the shouts!
I should have known what this would be about!
He loses again, and sulkes back to the batters box
So I turn coyly to the 2nd baseman and say.....
"I think I'll find me a homerun hitter to take home today!"

Leaving the Campsite

"She remembers, and hides it whenever we meet. "
---Counting Crows

I see by the hinted shadows
until the water turns to the mirrored trees
who shutter in the wake.
Please help to make it easier (my leaving)
and let me hold this eternity
in the palm of my hand.
For all that remains
is an illusion of you
as I walk away, with my head up high
like a soldier returning home.

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