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This is what happened at waco texas

This is what happened at waco

....................BEFORE THE RAID....................

the branch davidians were established in 1935 and 
enjoyed peace until the murderous raid by the atf in 
1993. the only time any davidians were in any trouble 
at all was when george roden (the ex-leader) dug up a 
body and in the altercation that ensued roden was shot 
in the finger. 7 davidians including koresh were 
arrestsed but later all charges were dismissed.
after this incident roden made the allegations that 
koresh had gotten his 75 year old grandmother pregnant.
koresh responded to this in an interview by 
sarcastically saying "if i can get a 75 year old woman 
pregnant you better watch out because im god" it was 
this that the FBI made there repeated accusations 
(to gain public support) that koresh thought he was god

in 1989 davidian member david breault (a self 
proclaimed prophet) tried to take over leadership of 
the davidians and was asked to leave.breault swore 
revenge and contacted numerous agencies making 
allegations of child abuse,promiscuous sex, and gun 
stockpiling. one of the many organizations he called 
was the cult awareness network,an agency with a long 
history of kidnapping,deprogramming(brainwashing),and 
being sued.

in an australian interview in 1991 david koresh 
personally answered the allegations made against him 
stating that he had ONE wife,did NOT beat children,nor 
did he ever endulge in adultery.he was clearly quite 
angry and disturbed about these questions.
in july 1992 henry mcmahon (former owner of hewitt arms) 
was investigated by the ATF because koresh had bought 
a total of 225 guns from him.mcmahon contacted koresh 
and told him the ATF had a problem with him buying so 
many guns.koresh told him to tell the ATF to come out 
and investigate if they wanted. they declined the offer.
it is important to note that koresh was a trader at 
gun shows and that was a large supply of income for the
davidians.not to mention the large number of people in 
mt. carmel 225 divided by that many people works out to
about 2 or 3 guns per person if they hed kept them all 
(which they had not and had relatively few guns the day
of the raid)
in 1992 breault got his chance to get even when david 
jewell (local dj) was engulfed in a custody battle with
his wife sherry jewell.breault repeated the lies of 
child abuse to david jewells mother and testified at 
the custody hearing repeating the same allegations.
this generated a pushed effort for an investigation by 
the cult awareness network.

on feb. 25th 1993 magistrate dennis green (the only US 
magistrate in waco) issued a warrant to investigate 
weapons,child abuse,and "promiscuous sexual activity" 

1>the ATF has no authority to investigate child abuse 
or pelligamy AT ALL so why where the child abuse and 
"promiscuous sex" included on the warrant? to gain 
public support thats why.

2>in the warrant agent allegera said that he saw 
"subscriptions of shotgun news and other clandestine 
magazines"  ???? since when is shotgun news a 
clandestine magazine????

3>the undercover so called "weapons expert" said that 
he personally saw stripped upper AND lower recievers 
for both ar-15 AND ak-47 rifles where observed. despite
the fact that ak-47's have a one piece reciever. in 
spight of claiming to be an expert this guy obviously 
has no clue of what he is talking about.

4>also included was the statment that neighbors had 
heard machine gun fire.
what they had heard was a hellfire which is a perfectly
legal device that fires similar but not identical to a 
machine gun.even if they did have a machine gun it is 
not illegal to have one,one simply fills out the 
appropriate forms and pays a $200 tax sits around for 
6 months and finally gets his essentially IF
the ATF allegations where true 63 adults and 17 
children where murdered over a tax violation. its 
important to note that their was NO evidence supporting
the claim that the davidians might have a machine gun 
and none were ever found afterwards.

5>it is also very important to note that both the 
sheriffs dept. and the texas welfare dept. had 
investigated the claims of machine guns (sheriff) and 
child abuse (welfare) after breaults initial accusations 
and found the accusations to be completly baseless.

another interesting point to ponder is that at the time
of the raid,an article in the august 30th issue of 
"the waco tribune herald" revealed that waco had an 
extremly high rate of federal gun prosecutions compared
to any other part of the country. perhaps this comes 
from the ATF and magistrate greens ignorance of federal
gun laws. alegera claims to be an expert and knowledable 
on federal gun laws despite confusing the terms 
destructive device,explosive,explosive device,and 
machine gun which all have different and specific 
meanings in the federal lawbooks.
green didnt notice.

the waco tribune herald published a scandalous series 
of articles on koresh entitled "the sinful messiah" on 
feb 27th the day the raid was originally supposed to 
take place. after learning of this the ATF moved the 
raid up a day to the 28th. it is VERY important to 
note that the warrant expired on feb. 27th therefore 
the ATF had absolutely no authority what so ever to 
conduct a raid of any sort on feb 28th!!

.......................THE RAID........................

ATF agents armed with machine guns covered by two 
helicopters also armed with machine guns approached 
mt. carmel simultaneously.the choppers opened fire as 
did the agents in the was a coordinated 
planned attack. the davidians first acted as any normal
citizen would do by calling 911. and finally after 
having several of their children killed (and adults) 
some of the younger hotheaded davidians began to 
defend themselves which is justified under texas law.
(which i will touch on in another section)

first an interesting point to make is that the 
government claimed to have recorded the 911 tape from 
waco police station when the davidians dialed 911. if 
thats the case why is it that you can hear at the 
beginning of the tape the davidians doing the actual 
dialing of 911. this means that the gov. had the phone 
tapped long before the raid even happened. they had no 
warrant to tap the davidians phone this is a violation 
of 18 US code 2510.

we where spoonfed two pieces of HEAVILY edited footage 
by the media.
#1 was of the agents in front shooting at the building

#2was of the agents climbing the ladders and breaking 
  in the window of the "arms room" (which no guns where
  ever found in i might ad)

first lets examine scene #1

agents claimed that as soon as they pulled up gunfire 
erupted from every window and through the front door 
to the extent that the door bowed outward.(according 
to, among others ATF spokesman ted royster)

1>first of all as most people know tarps dont stop 
bullets (they dont even stop bb guns) if the ATF was 
ambushed as they teary eyedly claimed they ALL would 
have been CUT TO PIECES before they could ever have 
gotten off of the cattle cars.

2>photographs taken by reporters in the middle of the 
shooting CLEARLY show that nobody is at any of the 

3>the door was cracked open INWARD!! if bullets had 
been fired through the door, (A) the door would have 
been slammed shut by the force of the rounds and (B) 
there would have been outcoming bulletholes which if 
youve ever shot a piece of wood you know that the 
bullet enters cleanly and exits reulting in a jagged 
splintering of the wood. almost all of the bulletholes 
on that door where INCOMING which was further verified 
by dick deguerin the attorney that entered mt. carmel 
after the shooting had stopped and others who had seen 
the is also plainly seen on the tape.

now yes you do hear a barrage of automatic gunfire when
watching the scene.

1>that gunfire is coming from the agents own automatic 
weapons that they are wildly spraying into the compound
not to mention the helicopters firing from overhead.

2>if the agents where being fired at we would see dirt 
being kicked up around them and holes appearing in 
their vehicles not to mention that many of them would 
be getting hit considering that it doesnt exactly take 
a skilled marksman to hit a man with a rifle at the 
close range that the agents where.

in a photograph of the scene that was taken right as 
the gunfire began a little kids head is so plainly 
visible beside the door that its no question as to what
it is. the face of the child was deliberately smudged 
by someone but it has been identified as most likely 
syrus koresh david koreshs 8 year old son.later in 
footage you see two ATF agents rushing a body of a 
small child to a vehicle it is definitely and clearly 
a childs body,case in point whether by accident or on 
purpose the ATF killed an 8 yr. old little boy that day 
and the tried to cover it up.

now lets look at scene #2

on the other side of the house two teams of agents 
were supposed to secure the roof in 30 seconds.
at first glance (as intended by the media) it looks or 
more appropriately sounds like the agents are under 
heavy attack.

1>notice that nobody is firing on these agents either 
as they climb the ladders nor as they smash in the holes are appearing in the walls yet and 
nobody has been shot (except for one agent who slipped 
and shot himself in the leg oh man thats the 
mark of a highly trained disciplined unit there) the 
massive amount of gunfire heard is coming from the 
front of the building where the other agents are 
simultaneously starting their attack. at one point a 
radio conversation between an agent in back and an 
agent in front can be heard,the one in back instructs 
the other agent to stop firing so much,that there was 
TO MUCH live fire.another words the agents in back were
in danger of being hit by friendly fire.

2>in one part of footage you see 3 of 4 ATF agents 
breaking in a window. first one agent breaks the glass 
then another one throws a smoke grenade into the room 
(note that he also has concussion grenades on his belt)
. the 3 agents enter the room. now there is a cut in 
the film and it picks up with the 4th agent throwing a 
concusssion grenade into the room . he then fires a 
burst of fire from his mp-5 into the room.(now lets 
stop right here for a minute. 3 agents just entered the
room #4 then throws a grenade into the room and fires 
his machinegun WITHOUT looking into the room,this makes
no sense unless he intends to kill his own men). now 
you see bulletholes start to appear, agent #4 fires 
another burst from his mp-5 (again without looking) a 
bullet then strikes him on his bulletproof helmet and 
knocks him over.he then climbs down the ladder unhurt.

3> now when this scene was slowed down and the bullets 
   trajectory and angle analyzed in a studio,it was 
   plainly visible that 6 seperate weapons where firing
   in this scene.
#1 was ATF agent #4 firing into the room
#2 was the gun from a helicopter who fired 3 rounds 
   from above down through the roof
#3 was a gun firing from inside the room
#4 was another gun from inside the room that made 3 
   holes at once the 2 times that it fired
#5 was an unknown gun from out in the yard that one 
   shot is seen hitting the outside wall on the other 
#6 was an unknown gun firing once from below the roof.
now with all of these seperate weapons firing why is it
that they all sound the same? all of these guns would 
have been at very different distances from the camera 
and would not all have been the same weapons either.
another example of how the footage was heavily edited.
why would the sound of the footage need to be edited 
unless there was something to hide?

4>all 3 of the agents that went in that window where 
killed and all 3 were bill clintons body guards during 
his presidential campaign. i wonder what it was that 
they saw that was so important that they were executed 
by their own government.

5> the other agent that was killed was killed while 
exiting the cattle cars BEFORE the shooting started 
(hmmmmm sniper shot maybe)

now another interesting point is that the davidians 
could have killed EVERY SINGLE ONE of the ATF agents 
that day if they wanted to.the ATF was running out of 
ammunition and the davidians let them go and take their
wounded with them. far from the cold blooded picture 
the media portrayed huh.

texas penal code subchapter C article 9.31 self-defense
says "the use of force to resist an arrest or search is
justified,if, before the actor offers any resistance, 
the peace officer uses or attempts to use greater force
than necessary to make the arrest or search,and when 
and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the 
force is immediately necessary to protect himself 
against the peace officers use or attempted use of 
greater force than necessary" perhaps that is why the 
remaining davidians were acquitted of all charges, 
because they were merely defending themselves against 
the most cowardly kind of criminal.......the kind that 
hides behind a badge. 

after the raid

mike schroeder,norman allison and woody kindricks 
learned of the raid on the radio while driving home 
from work. schroeders wife and child were inside.
the 3 men were stopped at a roadblock ,searched, and 
permitted to walk towards home.
as the 3 men walked home schroeder was shot seven times
, once in the eye, once in the heart and 5 times in 
the back. he was 300 yards away from the property when 
it happened. his autopsy report describes the wounds 
as being distant sniper shots.
allison was immediately captured and told the ATF that 
schroeder had been killed.
later that day the ATF released the official (lie) 
version , stating that the men had started a shootout 
while attempting to leave mt. carmel. this version 
appeared in the march 1st issue of the associated press
and march 2nd in the waco tribune herald.
HOWEVER documents in allisons indictment prove that 
the ATF knew the 3 men were trying to get home both 
then and on the day of the shooting without firing a 
shot. schroeders body was left on a fence for 7 days 
before finally being carted off by a grappling hook on 
a helicopter. nobody in mt. carmel was notified of his 
death for 5 days.

peter gentz body (i believe he was 16 or 17) was left
on top of the water tower for several days. the 
davidians requested many times to remove his body and 
bury it but that request was denied.
finally a helicopter attempted to snare it with a 
grappling hook and it fell apart and landed on the 

ATF agent in charge of public relations sharon wheeler 
stated that the davidians were waiting for them, and 
had them outgunned. well i hardly think that 100 
trained agents that practiced the raid for months armed
with mp-5 and m-16 machine guns were outgunned!!! and 
as stated above the idea that the davidians were 
waiting is simply absurd.

ATF spokeskan ted royster claimed to have lost the 
element of surprise. this is yet another attempt by 
the agents to cover up the truth of what really 
happened , they criticize themselves for having lost 
the element of surprise yet how can they realistically 
say that they had lost the element of surprise when 
they pulled up in two huge cattle cars that are visible
several miles away.this is an attempt to have people 
focus on things that they criticize themselves for to 
divert attention from the fact that the davidians were 
massacred while minding their own business in their own

on the day of the raid an unidentified reporter was 
beaten by agents. it is on tape.
perhaps it was because agents were seen on the tape 
trying to hide a body in the back of a truck.
raising some question to when the agent was actually 
killed and by whom.

.................ABOUT THE HELICOPTERS.................

yes despite numerous lies told by the ATF and FBI 
helicopters did indeed fire into mt. carmel without 
any prevocation whatsoever.

first of all we where told that the choppers used were
UNARMED national guard helicopters but contrary to that
is a picture showing one of the choppers the day of the
raid with a mounted M-60 doorgunners machinegun and 
markings on the tail boom that clearly say 

autopsys of many davidians show gunshot wounds to the 
top of the head and or body (shoulders,neck etc.)

in the footage of the frontal assault and back assault 
it is very easily heard the heavier slower thump thump 
of the .30 caliber M-60 over the rotors and gunfire 
coming from ground agents.

in a now famous call to the police (now called the 911 
tape) the davidians keep referring to the helicopters 
firing on them and are CLEARLY terrified of them.the 
choppers are also heard firing in the background as 
the rotors get louder and louder.

the attorney (dick deguerin) who went into mt. carmel 
during the standoff stated  that he to saw the 
bulletholes in the roof and the people that had been 
killed (a nursing mother and a few children). again it 
is easy to descern an incoming round from an outgoing 

someone who investigated afterwards said that he saw 
bulletholes in the tops of the water tanks.

while interviewing some of the kids from mt. carmel 
psychologist bruce parry,asked the kids to draw a 
picture of what happened. one of the little girls drew 
a picture of a house with a bunch of dots coming from 
the sky, he asked her what the dots where and she said 

anetta richards, a grandmother stated that she to was 
fired upon by helicopters.

....................THE STANDOFF.......................

after the failed raid at waco the FBI came in and cut 
off the davidians from any contact except a line 
directly connected to them,subjected everyone to 
constant gas attacks,used phsycological warfare day and
night,detroyed their home and their property.and 
finally murdered them all by setting fire to their 
home after destroying escape routes,the few that did 
escape were gunned down in cold blood by ATF snipers.
then destroyed all of the evidence and spewed forth 
lies to the american public about what really happened,
and which the truth is slowly beginning to surface.

1>shortly after the raid the FBI came in and cut off 
all communications,power,plumbing, and all other 
utilities. the press was kept 3 miles away and the 
public 5 miles away. from now on any info. going in and
out of mt. carmel would be the official version 
portrayed by FBI spofesman bob ricks.

the FBI had no warrants to cut off communications. this
is a FELONY under title 18 US codesection 2511.
the FBI knew the davidians had cb and shortwave radio 
equipment and jammed these to.

it is illegal to use military troops against US 
civilians according to the posse comitatus act 18 US 
code 1385. but the FBI brings in tanks and personell 
from nearby ft. hood to surround the house.
national guard troops are allowed to be used but ONLY 
in a drug interdiction operation.
so even though there was never any question whatsoever 
that there were not nor ever had been any drugs in the 
house, so in order to avoid legal penalties the FBI 
issued a report stating that there was a suspected 
methamphetamine lab in the house. if this had been 
suspected then it would have been included in the 
warrant.howver one can clearly see that the personell 
on the choppers and manning the tanks are experienced 
mainstream military personell, also several pictures 
have been seen with marines posing for a picture with 
an ATF or FBI agent.

even though gov. ann richards admits that she was 
decieved into allowing use of the tanks she does not 
order them off of the property.

the davidians are for the next 51 days subjected to 
phsycological torture, including stadium lights 
lighting the house up all day and night,
tanks constantly circling their home, constant 
bobardment of CSgas and loud music being blaired on 
loudspeakers including tibetan monk chants,rabbits 
being slaughtered,and the song "these boots are walkin"
which interestingly enough has a verse that says 

"i just found me a brand new box of matches,yeah, and 
if you play with fire you know your gonna get burned" 

whenever a davidian would anger the FBI  the tanks 
would crush their cars,or in the case of the kids their
go-carts for punishment.

another  interesting fact is that the so called 
"teargas" used was really CS gas which has been banned 
from wartime use in a 1993 treaty, and according to the
manufacturer should under no circumstances ever be used
inside,ever. and yet another interesting point about 
the gas is that its not a gas,it is really a powderlike
substance that spreads similar to baby powder through 
the air,and when dry settles to the ground in a 
flammable dusty coating.with the amount of gas used 
there would have been this coating all over everything 
in the house. and yet another interesting point about 
the gas they used is that they stated no pyrotechnic 
40mm teargas rounds were used but where instead c02 or 
similarly discharged, however after the fire two 
pyrotechnically detonated gas rounds where found.

the tanks had inoperable weapons systems. at least 
thats what the FBI said. but you see in footage one 
such "inoperable" system shooting 40mm rounds at the 

the FBI repeatedly said that koresh would not send out 
a videotape showing the kids were okay,BUT the 
negotiators log shows that koresh sent a tape out that 
night and the FBI would not release it to the media for
fear that it would create great sympathy for koresh.

two very peacful men drove day and night (olaiton 
oyatunbi & gary spaulding) from southbend indiana to 
bring baby food and chickenfeed to the you
can see on the tape they are very peaceful, yet they 
are arrested anyway. 

while the tanks did their daily routine for the next 
51 days and nights it is interesting to note how they 
conveniently made a perfect fire break around the 
entire area of the house.

we were told by the FBI that the holes being made in 
the building were small holes and being used to insert 
nonlethal CS gas. instead what we saw was huge sections
of the house being torn away in strategic locations 
that several people referred to as being like a pot 
bellied stove,with the more air you let in the faster 
it burns.

10 days before the fire an agent is seen using a smoke 
grenade to test the wind. the FBI claims this is a 
davidian if it is a davidian he is calmly walking 
around mt. carmel within full view of armed federal 

.......................THE FIRE........................

the government intentionally set fire to mt. carmel and
thus murdered the davidians. the davidians held out 
longer than the FBI expected and therefore became an 
embarassment to them. they decided to make an example 
of what happens when people resist big government,BUT 
their plan backfired bringing new light to the patriot 
cause of america and just as "remember the alamo" was 
the battlecry for the war between texas and mexico 
"remeber waco" will most probably be one of ours in the
inevitable future.

the underground bunker was not located under the house 
but to the side of it. their is an entrance to the 
bunker close to a hole in the wall in the building 
sitting above it. there are many people in this bunker 
. the FBI new that because they had fiber optic cameras
mounted all around the house and they could see and 
hear everyone at all times. for 2 hours a tank is 
either at the entrance of the bunker (by the hole) or 
over on top of the bunker. each time the tank opens 
agents are seen getting out and the camera conveniently
cuts away.
at 6:10 am smoke is seen pouring from the bunker. none 
of the media mentioned this fire yet this is when and 
where the first fire began and many people died.
this tank had no equipment to insert gas and was not 
making small holes, it was destroying the end of the 
house over the bunker making sure that nobody could 
escape the now burning bunker. 

in another shot taken at approximately the exact same 
time on the other side of the house you see two more 
tanks that are driving into the building #2 is ripping 
huge chunks of the house apart at one side of the house
and #3 is doing the same near the front door. what 
these tanks are doing is collapsing the inside stair 

now as tank #3 backs out of the building you can 
clearly see plain as day a huge jet of flame shooting 
into the dosent get much clearer than that.

now in two seperate scenes you can see agents jumping 
from the roof calmly walking away and removing hoods. 
(fireproof nomex perhaps?)
one of these men the FBI claimed was a davidian however
he calmly walks away without a care in the world and 
appears to be carrying an mp-5

firetrucks were held at the gate.

as the fire burned choppers circled overhead with 
machineguns pointed at mt. carmel.

also note that during the fire multiple shots of 
footage are taken of several agents needling around 
calmly and carelessly within very close proximity of 
the fire. notice how none seem very concerned about the
alleged explosives or millions of rounds of ammo.

in several scenes right before,during,and right after 
the fire you can see several shots of agents strapping 
on or wearing tanks of some sort on their backs,one 
agent is seen engaging in a spraying motion over top of
a body that was dragged out of mt. carmel. 
(can somebody say flamethrowers)

the FBI hrt had a sniper nest set up in a barn behind 
mt. carmel. while the fire was stil burning media said 
that at least 20 people had been seen getting out of 
the building. in footage taken during this time you can
hear gunshots echoing off of the building, that means 
the shots are coming from the outside of the building 
not inside. those 20 or more survivors quickly 
dwindled down to 8 didnt they. (cold blooded murder)

the fire takes less than an hour to completly consume 
mt. carmel.

in any crime scene it is critical to take great care 
to preserve evidence, but the tanks bulldozed 
everything into the fire and caved in the tunnels 
before anyone could examine it.

as the davidian flag burns off of the pole and flutters
to the ground the ATF raises its flag in glory over the
smoldering remains of mt. carmel and the charred bodies
of the davidians.

the official version spewed forth by the media was that
early that morning a black flag was wedged in the door 
and then the fire began.
in actuality the flag was red and blue and it was 
propped against the door from the outside, it looks 
more like a flag of conquest similar to that run up on 
the flagpole.


the "independent" fire investigator has
had an ATF office for 10 years
his card said ATF fire investigator
his wife is an ATF secretary
and he attended one agents funeral
guess what he said? he said that the fire was 
"caused by persons inside the house" 


the ATF along with the FBI and other agencies murdered 
a group of church goers whos apocalyptic beliefs made 
them easy targets.

................SOURCES OF INFORMATION.................

WACO THE BIG LIE #1....AMERICAN JUSTICE FEDERATION    (best info.)                      

send for a copy of waco the big lie one and two the 
tapes are kept at the lowest cost possible and you are 
allowed to make copies to distribute them to other 
people. write or call 

3850 S. emerson ave.
indianapolis,IN. 46203
phone- (317) 780-5204
fax------ (317) 780-5209