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Previous Poll Results

Question: Who else rocks?
Results: Creed 57%, Blind Melon 28%, Tesla 14%

Question: How old are Candlebox fans?
Results: 15-16 (18%), 17-18 (18%), 19-20 (18%), 25-26 (9%),
29-30 (18%), 31-32 (9%)

Question: What's the best Candlebox song?
Results: Not surprisingly the results were an overwhelming 40% for Far Behind, there was no close second.

Question: Do you think that Candlebox should change its name since Kevin is the only original member of the band left?
Results: yes (12%) no (88%)

Question: Which is your favorite Candlebox album?
Results: Happy Pills (42%), Candlebox & Lucy tie (28%)

Question: How many times have you seen Candlebox live?
Results: not yet, once, 3, 5, 6, 8 times (10% each); twice, 4 times (20% each)

Check back for results of upcoming polls!