What people are saying about my Bad-Ass Website

"My website is really shitty. I realize this now."

-Nameless for personal reasons (after seeing my website for the first time)

"On your website you spelled 'bubblicious' wrong."


"Oh sam! There is like the funniest thing in one of your pics on your website…"

-Frank Gagliano

About "I Love Frank"

"So far so good ...hahahahaha ...YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1!!!!! THAT RAWKED! ...that was soooo tight"

-Ben Dover

"YAY! I like it. I’m gonna keep it forever and ever."

-Rachel Ney

If you would like to know the reason I have the exact statement you made about my website, even if you made it many years ago, please call this number: 301-936-1212.