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Boston Logan (BOS)

American 757 departing on 27. View from the Terminal B Parking Garage.

Truly one of the greatest spotting airports in the entire country, BOS is a spotting experience everyone should get at least one chance to enjoy. It's almost impossible to find a reason not to enjoy BOS...there are plenty of heavies, internationals, variety, and great places for spotting. An afternoon spent at BOS is unforgettable, especially when the 4/22 runways are in use. Spotters of the Boston area are some of the luckiest in the nation, for they have a fine airport to feast upon.

BOS has a five runways which are all in use almost all the time. Lots of the traffic is made up of commuter prop jobs that shuffle Bostonians to NY, D.C. and Philly. There seems to be a large volume of 757's at BOS for some reason, so fans of the world's most profitable airplane can get more than their fill here. Action picks up in the late evening, from 5:30-7:00, as a slough of heavies and international departures hit the skies.

Swissair 747 pushing back from the gate. View from the Terminal B Parking Garage.

-Terminal B-C walkway: Like I said, there aren't many great places within the terminals at BOS which are worthy of spotting. This area is a walkway which links Terminals B and C which is lined with chairs. Those who enjoy watching planes taxiing at the gate will like this area, but the terminals themselves obstruct almost any good view of takeoffs or landings.
-Terminal C Food Court: The food court in Terminal C provides a set of windows which allow you to watch a lot of action along the ramp, but like the B-to-C walkway, the action on the runways is mostly obstructed.

Lufthansa 747 arriving on 33L. View from the Terminal B Parking Garage.

-Terminal B Parking Garage: The Terminal B parking garage is, simply put, an incredible place for spotting. From the top floor you have a terrific and elevated view of not only the entire airport field (which is beautiful to look at), but also the Charles River, the Boston Harbor, and the entire skyline of downtown Boston, which is just right across the river. Takeoffs on the 22 runways and arrivals on the 4 runways are practically right in your face, making for a very powerful and breathtaking experience. Arguably the very best parking garage for spotting.

American 737 taxiing to the ramp. View from the Terminal B Parking Garage.

-For an East Coast airport, where security can often be excessively tight, BOS is very relaxed. The Terminal B parking garage, arguably the best place in New England for spotting, is often crowded with as many as 20-30 people at a time. Security will drive by often (once I saw the same guard drive by me every five minutes for almost a half-hour) but they obviously don't mind your presence, because they never said anything to me the whole time I was there. Unfortunately security is tight enough to close down one of the best spotting locations at Logan, the observation deck on the 15th floor of the control tower, but the Term. B garage is just as good.

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