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Hi, Thanx for stopping to visit my page. I'm Punkin'. I have a great family. You can find out about them on their page, becuase this page is just for me and other pet stuff. Make yourself PURRRfectly comfortable while surfing thru, Stop by again soon!!

A little about me.... hmmm

Well for starters, I am a Seal Point Himilayan. I am 4½ years old. I was born in Nashville, TN. I was kind of shy when my Dad brought me home. But through out the years I think I have come along way. My family is a military family; Therefore, I had to do alittle of traveling. And yes, I do get car sick! (I traveled 2,000+ miles w/ them in a car.) I was a Christmas gift to my Mom in 1996, from my Dad. (Wasn't that sweet!!) I was about a year old when they brought me into their home. They found me from a breeder. I didn't like my life then. I was a "breed" and not a pet!! I lived in a cage with several other cats... it was NOT a great life. I am so PURRRoud to have the family I have now. I am soo good to them! I am staying indoors, at all time. Yippy! I am litter boxed trained (otherwise, I'd be out). I don't use the their furniture as a scratching post, which is a big plus! I love to be brushed!! Every now and then Mom takes me to the vet, (well I can't complain about that I need to stay clean, and PURRRetty. Plus, keep my shots updated.) But... when the groomer comes I am a scaredy cat. I dont like having my hair cut off!! All in all the vet thinks I am great though!! (Another plus!) Below is me and my Dad!!

I keep Mom great company while Dad isn't home (I get jealous of Dad sometimes). He isn't gone alot, but I know he isnt always home, He just returned from a deployment. It's great having him back I get more attention some, but sometimes i get less. But I missed him, so I am glad he's home! I am kind of leary of the little person in the house, Mom calls him her son. His name is Tristan (he's a little person, not a cat). He like chasing me. I tend to run and hide, I dont want that little person chasing me around. Sometimes he is fun, he'll bring strings and toys to me wanting to play. I like chasing the strings and toys. Mom recently bought some big clear tank thing, full of water... My guess is for fish!! YUMM!! I'll let you know how this goes later... Well, I guess I have said enough about me. I will let you move on to something else. I put a few refrences and other cat related pages on here.

Here's a couple Web Rings I'm PURRfectly happy being part of:

This HIMALAYAN CATS RING site owned by Punkin'
Want to join the Himalayan Cats Ring? 
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  This Paw Prints On The Heart
site is owned by Punkin'

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All They Ask Is To Be Loved.
They Should Never Have
To Suffer Abuse! 

Want To Join? Click here now. 

Meeee-ow! It's me again, Punkin'.
This section of my page is for Feline Info. This consists of many different types of cat links. Here you will find links about Cat Diseases, Spaying and Neutering Info (my mom had me spayed!! I am glad when I was younger I had a litter of the PURRfect little kittens. But, It was very hard on me because I was so small. I am so thankful Mom had me spayed! Not only will I not have the pain of another litter but I won't have to worry if they will have a home after they are born! So please read this info!), Feline Info, Humane Society Web Sites, Behavioral Info, Animal Cruelty, a few Graphic sites, and more! Hopefully you will find what you are looking for.

Feline Diabetes

Spaying & Neutering

Caring for your Cat

Cat Fanciers Site

Feline Info Page

Myths on Spay or Neuter

US Humane Society

Problem Behaviors


How To's for House Cats

FIV Info


This site was created by JAMIE