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I considered simply leaving the page blank, feeling that that might be the best, most complete characterization of me as a person but then I figured someone has probably done that already. I study an obscure branch of literature in grad. school and spend substantial chunks of time watching ZDTV news as a means to procrastinate. I like literature, languages, travel, good poetry (don't tell anyone, though), cheap wine, jazz, flamenco guitar and writing. It was this last that I had hoped to make my career and I still, on rare occasion, put together the odd (emphasis on odd) short story.

Why did I put up this home page? Good question. I was bored and had just finished watching ZDTV news coverage of MacWorld (I use a mac, like all good students of the humanities. Like Victoria, I too started off with an Apple II) and thought that it was a shame that a net search didn't come up with any hits for fan pages. Maybe that just means that I didn't look hard enough, but anyway that's why I threw this together. The real reason, of course, is simply because I think she has a beautiful smile and I wanted to find out a little more about the person behind it.

That's enough (too much?) about me.

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