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Sheri Joplin's Homepage!

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I have a 10 year old daughter, she is the joy of my life. She can get you laughing and crying all at the same time. But I couldn't live without her. I tried to have children for eleven years and had 9 miscarriages all at 7 months. I was about to give up all hope on having children when I got pregnant and had Ashley, she is truly a miracle child. The Picture above is Ashley and her little sister Destiny. Destiny is my Goddaughter. She is a joy to be around also. I believe that all children should be treated like they are miracles, because they are. I hope anyone that sees this page will enjoy it.

Ashley's Page

A Few Quotes You Might Enjoy!
Don't let bad people make you bad too!
The more you learn, the more you can teach others.
The more you learn, the smarter you grow.
The best things in life aren't things. They're friends.
Everyone is an individual. Nobody is like you and nobody is like me, except for you and except for me!
A Few Points to Ponder
How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't grow in it?
What do little birdies see when they get knocked unconscious?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food?
When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs?
If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what fool came up with, 'Quit while you're ahead'?

If you link from my links you will find 1 that is a neat place for graphics, etc. If you link to two of the others you will find two of the cutest and funniest places that kids will enjoy! One of my links is to the Taft College AGS page, I am in the process of making this page for our fraternity. I have a lot of links and figure you can look at them. Look at my links and let me know what you think! Have fun and enjoy!

A little about myself. I am 38 years young. My birthday is May 1st. I am a mother of one daughter. I am going back to school for the 1st time in many years, and I love it. I am a member and officer of Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society (AGS) (Rho Chapter). I work for the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (EOPS/CARE) as a clerical assistant. I was a peer counselor for a year for EOPS/CARE. This is my last year at Taft College. I was on the 3 year plan. I am the graduating class of 2000. The New Millenium. I never thought I would hear myself say that I was going to graduate in the year 2000, let alone graduate from college. I won 4 scholarships in my sophmore year. I won one at the AGS state conference, The Ed Walsh Outstanding Service Scholarship for $350. I won 3 scholarships from Taft College totaling $350. I feel very fortunate to have won that much and not even graduating. I believe what most people say, "You are never to old to learn." I love anything to do with Pegasus'! I have a best friend Danny, he is good to me but sometimes I would love to strangle him :-)! After being diagnosed with kidney disease I feel that every minute of time should be spent with the ones you love and doing what you love. I just hope that other people realize that sitting around feeling sorry for them selves isn't going to make it better. But living each day to it's fullest will make your life complete when it is time for you to leave.

I have one of the best friends in the world. She is the one that has encouraged me to do the things I am doing to help better myself and my daughters lives. I just want to take a few minutes to say, "THANK YOU VICKEY," for being a good friend.

Vickey's Page

This is my Cyber friend Frank. He is a postman. He lives in West "by God" Virginia (where ever that is). :-) He teases me because I don't know where West Virginia is. He is a very good friend.


If you would like to adopt an angel like the one above, click on the adoption certificate above.

If you have some of the same interests that I do, feel free to drop me a line. My e-mail address is at the end of the page. I like hearing from new people and will respond to any one that writes.

My Favorite Things

  • My Daughter
  • Pegasus
  • Dealing with Danny
  • Going to College
  • Talking With My Cyber Friend Frank

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Billy Bear
Rainbow Raccoons
Taft College AGS Page
Unicorn and Pegasus Page
My other page
Danny's Page
Michele's View



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