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*Stats About AJ*

Full Name: Alexander James McLean

Nicknames: Bone, Mr. Cool, SEXY (to me, anyway!)

Birthdate: January 9, 1978 He's a Capricorn, like me! Woo hoo!

Hometown: Born in West Palm Beach, FL. Currently lives in Orlando, FL.

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Food: Mickey D's

What he looks for in a woman: ME! HeHe Seriously, he likes pretty eyes, long nails, and an adventurous personality.

*Stats About Rhonda*

Full Name: Rhonda Ann Trask

Nicknames: Ratgirl, Rat, Grandma (to Cathy), Princess/Queenie(to my family and cooks at my work).p> Birthdate: December 29, 1979

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Hometown: Corona, Cali

Favorite Color: Blue & White

Favorite Food: Fast food...anything I see, basically!

Favorite Thing to Drink: Diet Coke

Favorite actor: Matthew Lillard, Seth Green, Anthony Hopkins

Favorite actress: Sarah Michelle Geller, Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan

Favorite Singers (groups & solo artists): BSB, N'SYNC, Korn, Orgy, Limp Bizkit, 112

Favorite songs: Anywhere, If You Had My love, Don't Want You Back, Blue Monday, Faith

Favorite CDs: Millinium-BSB, Fan Mail-TLC, Candyass-Orgy and all of Korn's CD's

Car I drive: '99 Teal Green Pontiac Grand Am SE

Pets: 2 dogs and 3 cats, they're my babies

Favorite MTV V.J: Carson and Dave

Favorite Smell: Floral and Berry Stuff

What I wear to bed: tank top, boxers or pull-aways

My fave places to shop: Target, Wal-Mart, any place with good deals.

How many kids I want to have one day: 2 or 3

Fave sports: If A.J. considers "Billards" a sport, my fave sport is dancing.

My favorite quote from a movie: "You complete Me"

How I'm known in our CREW: As grandma since I'm the oldest and the Psycho who laughs at her own jokes.

Fave candy: Skittles and gummy bears.

Job: I'm a waitress at restuarant called Hunnys and Ness works with me....they named it after us......hey, we can pretend...hehe

What I look for in a guy: AJ! Just playing! I look for a guy who's caring and considerate, someone intelligent and can make me laugh and a helpless romantic like myself. And, definitely someone who can eat as much as I can!

Finish the sentence.....

1. The weirdest thing I've ever done for a guy/girl was: When Ness and I went to LA for Da Boys concert and we knew the Boys were in the same hotel as us, so we split up and went to the different floors seeing if we could see which floor they were on.....and we think we had pretty good luck.....hehehehe

2. The sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me was: Well, nothing worth mentioning has happened to me yet, I know you're all sad for me.....if not, just pretend.

3. For a million dollars I would: Wrestle in a big pool of Jello

4. If I could live anywhere in the world I would live: In a place where there are trees, all four seasons and where there was no hate.

5. If I was stranded on a desert island the 3 people, I would want them to be: A.J., Vanessa and for her...Nick. Don't want Ness to bother me while I'm on a deserted island with A.J.....hehe

6. I love: My family. And, of friends, I love you guys with all my heart.

7. My weirdest fantasy is: Well, I can't tell you that but I will, my man and handcuffs.

8. My dream vacation would be to: An island with white sandy beaches and crystal blue water with lots of green trees.

9. If I had 3 wishes they would be: To be loved always, happiness in life, and no more hate/violence in the world.

10. My most horrible habit is that I: Talk way too much and don't know when to shut up. !

This is how I like to see AJ....HeHeHe=Þ