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Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis de Montfort

Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis de Montfort













This is a formula of consecration made by one of the greatest Marion Saints in history, St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort.


Consecration is performing a prayer formula (usually more than one day), and if done with devotion and fervor, our Blessed Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, promises that She will bestow enough graces upon you so you won’t go to hell.


Our Blessed Mother does not lie.


There are many consecration prayers, but in my humble opinion, this is the best.


In fact John Paul II said, that after he did this consecration his religious life got much better.


St. Louis Marie DeMontfort said, that this is the easiest, quickest and best way to unite your heart to Jesus’s heart through Mary.


It lasts 33 days, and on the 34th day, you make your formal consecration prayer and join the, Queen of All Hearts Confraternity”.


You should end your consecration on your favorite feast day of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


You should repeat this 33 day consecration every year in order to renew your consecration on the anniversary date that you have chosen.



Recommendations and prayers follow.


These prayers are not mine, nor anyone else’s, but the Blessed Virgin Mary’s through St. Louis DeMontfort for everyone.


Yours in Jesus through Mary and Joseph, accompanies by St. Philomena,















Part I: (12 Days) Spirit of the World







1st Day: Dec. 31

Feb. 20

March 26

April 28

July 13

Nov. 5

2nd Day: Jan. 1

Feb. 21

March 27

April 29

July 14

Nov. 6

3rd Day: Jan. 2

Feb. 22

March 28

April 30

July 15

Nov. 7

4th Day: Jan. 3

Feb. 23

March 29

May 1

July 16

Nov. 8

5th Day: Jan. 4

Feb. 24

March 30

May 2

July 17

Nov. 9

6th Day: Jan. 5

Feb. 25

March 31

May 3

July 18

Nov. 10

7th Day: Jan. 6

Feb. 26

April 1

Mary 4

July 19

Nov. 11

8th Day: Jan. 7

Feb. 27

April 2

May 5

July 20

Nov. 12

9th Day: Jan. 8

Feb. 28

April 3

May 6

July 21

Nov. 13

10th Day: Jan. 9

March 1

April 4

May 7

July 22

Nov. 14

11th Day: Jan. 10

March 2

April 5

May 8

July 23

Nov. 15

12th Day: Jan. 11

March 3

April 6

May 9

July 24

Nov. 16

Part II: (1st Week) Knowledge of Self

13th Day: Jan. 12

March 4

April 7

May 10

July 25

Nov. 17

14th Day: Jan. 13

March 5

April 8

May 11

July 26

Nov. 18

15th Day: Jan. 14

March 6

April 9

May 12

July 27

Nov. 19

16th Day: Jan. 15

March 7

April 10

May 13

July 28

Nov. 20

17th Day: Jan. 16

March 8

April 11

May 14

July 29

Nov. 21

18th Day: Jan. 17

March 9

April 12

May 15

July 30

Nov. 22

19th Day: Jan. 18

March 10

April 13

May 16

July 31

Nov. 23

Part III: (2nd Week) Knowledge of Our Lady

20th Day: Jan. 19

March 11

April 14

May 17

August 1

Nov. 24

21st Day: Jan. 20

March 12

April 15

May 18

August 2

Nov. 25

22nd Day: Jan. 21

March 13

April 16

May 19

August 3

Nov. 26

23rd Day: Jan. 22

March 14

April 17

May 20

August 4

Nov. 27

24th Day: Jan. 23

March 15

April 18

May 21

August 5

Nov. 28

25th Day: Jan. 24

March 16

April 19

May 22

August 6

Nov. 29

26th Day: Jan. 25

March 17

April 20

May 23

August 7

Nov. 30

Part II: (3rd Week) Knowledge of Christ

27th Day: Jan. 26

March 18

April 21

May 24

August 8

Dec. 1

28th Day: Jan. 27

March 19

April 22

May 25

August 9

Dec. 2

29th Day: Jan. 28

March 20

April 23

May 26

August 10

Dec. 3

30th Day: Jan. 29

March 21

April 24

May 27

August 11

Dec. 4

31st Day: Jan. 30

March 22

April 25

May 28

August 12

Dec. 5

32nd Day: Jan. 31

March 23

April 26

May 29

August 13

Dec. 6

33rd Day: Feb. 1

March 24

April 27

May 30

August 14

Dec. 7

Consecration Day: Feb. 2

March 25

April 28

May 31

August 15

Dec. 8


























Frank Setzer, S.M.M.

Provincial Superior




William F. Hughes, S.T.L.

Censor Librorium




Walter Philip Kellenberg, D.D.

Bishop of Rockville Centre

(Click on labels below to jump to a part):


Part I

Twelve Preliminary Days

Theme: Spirit of the World


Part II



Theme: Knowledge of Self



If you wish to order the book, "Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis Marie de Montfort", click here

