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Downloadable Pokemon Gold and Silver Walkthrough

Click on the Bulbasaur to hear his Name

Feb 7, 200 Fixed the broken link to the Gold/Silver Walkthrough.Changed the music... it was getting on my nerves. Also Check out the new download available

Release Dates:

Pokémon Gold and Silver: September 00

Pokemon Card GBC: Spring 00

Pokémon Stadium: March 00

TCG Rocket Set: February/March '00

Pokemon News

Nuts! It is Confirmed that Pokemon Gold Will Be Released in September 2000! I know those Japanese are lucky, but hey, What can we do about it?

Previous Updates ??-??-99 Got up a Pokemon Gold and Silver Walkthrough. Turns out there's 250 pokemon with the final boss being Ash. All the previous gym leaders will be there plus 16 more. There are two worlds you can travel to. Old (Red, Blue, Yellow) and New (Gold, Silver). It is a great game, check it out!

11-15-99 Whoah! Again W/O the Updating! Sorry, and because of this, I am Looking for someone with prior HTML experience to update this site. You will have free access throughout the site. If you want to do this please email me. Oh yeah, see the Movie it's great!

9-28-99 OK, first thing first, I am Not going to Update on the Weekday anymore because I have school and alot of other things to do lately. But I finally have what I have been promising, THE POKEMON STADIUM SECTION! I will try to update it with more pictures soon.

9-13-99 Sorry, for my lack in Updating Lately, but with School and all, not to mention my computer is slow and I was kicked off for a while, It might be a while longer to update than usual. Got rid of the Pokebrawl since I was gettin tired of keepin track of it (For those of you who were wonderin Ryhorn won).

9-9-99 Whoah!! Jeez, A Week Without Updating!! Sorry, but In Return A Pokemon Stadium Section Will be up Soon!

9-2-99 Mwahahaha!! I HAVE IT! After navigating forever through Japanese Websites, I Have It! The first Movie of Pokemon Gold and Silver! Hehehe, Only in the Secret Section of course...

9-1-99 Put up 4 new downloads, three of which are extremely hard to find...

8-27-99 Sorry for the lack in updates, but I've been busy lately. I have one person to do the Pokemon Pinball, I still need people for Pokemon Gold and Silver and the TCG. Vote in Pokebrawl 8!

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