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More Individual Event Instructions

Panel A Events

Original Oratory:

  1. Orations are original compositions of the contestant. The oration may be delivered from notes or script at NOVICE DIVISION ONLY! No visual aids may be used.
  2. The maximum time for performance is ten minutes. There is no minimum time.
  3. The contestant may use up to 150 words quoted from other sources. Sources of all quotations should be identified.

  1. The contestants will enter the room one at a time and draw a slip of paper from the judge. On the slip will be three topic choices. The contestant must choose one of the three.
  2. At the conclusion of the speech the contestant/contestants MAY remain in the room until all contestants in the panel have spoken.
  3. After drawing, the contestant has two minutes to think prior to speaking. The maximum time for the speech is 5 minutes. There is no minimum time.
  4. Round One topics will be brief, thought-provoking quotations. Round Two will be single word abstracts. Round Three will be general topics of current interest.
Thematic Interpretation:

  1. The contestant is to present a program of interpretation based on a theme of his choice. Each program is to contain three or more separate selections or cutting from different published works. The cuttings may be from different works by the same author.
  2. The manuscript must be held by the contestant.
  3. The maximum time for the presentation is 10 minutes. There is no minimum time.
  4. Introductory, transitional, and explanatory material MUST be written by the contestant. The title and author of all selections used MUST be given.
  5. Introductory, transitional, and explanatory material should be memorized. These materials MUST NOT exceed one-third of the program. All selections used are to be interpreted by the contestant's manuscript.
  6. The contestant must remain standing. No make-up, costumes, or props may be used.
Expository Speaking:
  1. Expository speeches are original compositions of the contestant. The expository speech is a speech to inform, not a performance. It should describe, clarify, illustrate, or define an object, idea, concept or process. A fabricated topic/subject may not be used.

  2. The maximum time of presentation, including set up and take down time for props, is 10 minutes. There is no minimum time.
  3. Audio and/or visual aids are allowed but not required. NO animals or other person (s) may be used as aids or aides. Items of dress necessary to the presentation may be put on and removed during the course of the presentation. These items must be considered as props which may not be part of the contestants beginning or ending attire. (Removal of visual aids means the aids will be removed from the front of the room.)
  4. The speech may be delivered from memory, or from notes at novice level.
Duo Interpretation:

  1. At Varsity AND Novice division, interpretations must be delivered from scripts or copies in binders.
  2. The maximum time is 10 minutes. There is no minimum time.
  3. Material must be taken from published sources such as plays, novels, short stories, essays, or poetry. Two or more pieces of literature may NOT be combined.
  4. At some point during the performance, the author and title of the selection MUST be given.
  5. The cutting may be humorous OR serious in nature.
  6. The contestants must remain standing and may not touch each other.
  7. NO props, make-up, or costumes may be used by the contestants. Singing and dancing are prohibited.
  8. Contestants must use off-stage focus, rather than act together using eye contact.
  9. Contestants may not move wider than one step in any direction.