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*`*Our Exclusive Photo Interview*`*

*`*Part One...Nick*`*

Welcome to Da Westside Phat Farm's EXCLUSIVE BSB Photo Interview. Our first victim, err, GUEST, is Nick Carter.

Hi, Nick, how the heck are ya?

Wow, you're awfully friendly. Well, anyways, we'd like to take this opportunity to settle any rumors flying about. The biggest rumors are concerning your love life. So tell us JUST how much action have you been getting lately?

OH c'mon! You can't be serious! Well, if you really don't have a girlfriend, then what is your idea of the perfect woman??

Oh, quit kissing up! C'mon, seriously, what do you look for in a woman?

Nah, come on Nick...what do you REALLY look for in a woman?

Uh-huh. I'm guessing you're not talking about her hands are ya Nick? Nah, but c'mon Nick what do you REALLY look for in a woman, deep down in her soul?

NICKOLAS GENE CARTER! Be serious, please. Think about it...what do you REALLY look for in a woman?

Oh my goodness, Nick, we don't have all day! FORGET IT! We'll ask someone else...AJ, what does Nick really look for in a woman?

Oh geez! Typical male. Damn sex maniacs. Ok, moving on. Nick, how many times has Kevin actually let you finish an entire sentence?

Aww, I'm sure you are just exaggerating! You guys had to have gotten least ONCE, right? Come on...can't you think of even ONE time?

See! We knew it! Hey, how'd you react when you found out you would be singing the line, "AM I SEXUAL?"

Nick, what's the best way you know of to waste a perfectly good bottle of water?

Hmm...we wanna know...what's the first thing Kev does when Bri gets back from a date?

That's, uh sweet. But, anyways, since you are the youngest member of the group do you end up doing any extra work?

Geeze! Talk about being taken advantage of. I'm sure it's not so bad, though. Oh, by the way, are you still upset about Howie forgetting your birthday on national television?

Awww...I'm sure he didn't mean it. I'm sure he feels really bad about it. Don't ya, Howie?

Look he's down on he's knees, he's so sorry! Now c'mon, can we let it go now? I hope you two can move on from this. Speaking of MTV though, Nick how'd you feel AFTER you saw yourself say dumbass on TV??

Hey don't worry about it!! Your apology has been accepted! You seem obviously distraught about this subject so let's move on, shall we? Ok, time to get a little personal. How big was your *ahem* package ya know pre-puberty??

I said it was personal! Oh, c'mon, be mature about it! Our readers want to know!

HAHAHAHAHAHA Oh, sorry! No offense. Ok, well, that was, uh, pretty honest. How many people would lie about THAT?!? How big are ya, NOW?

LMAO! Sorry, big did ya say you were?

Yeah right! Ok, pal, PROVE IT!

HOLY *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* Baby, here's my me ANYTIME, night or day! Ya smuggling fruit in there or something?!? =Þ

Alrighty, Nick, any parting comments from ya before we go?

"You know what they say about guys with big feet..."

Nick, we couldn't have said it any better ourselves! =)~