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Joshua's Page

Joshua Daniel Caruana

Born: 08.04.1999 Weight: 10 Kgs approx Height: 82cm

Finally made an update thanks to some great pictures taken by Sean when we were at Brockett Hall Golf course summer 2002 - thanks Jeanie Krause of Merant Answerline US!.

Update: Journal is available of all those Joshua updates. More pictures soon. Promise! 11th Feb 2000 - Joshua is crawling all over the shop and is also getting his stair climbing skills into practice, with parental supervision of course. He also now has eight teeth, 4 up 4 down, and he does not care how hard he bites your finger so be warned.

Joshua is very engergetic, but we are blessed by the fact that he will sleep the night through, plus he also does not cry when he wakes up but gurgles and waits patiently to be seen to! We have been very much blessed gby him, there was one episode where he had decided to eat a load of salt byut thank God he was Ok. Apologies for the lack of new pictures but here are some sweet ones taken in Germany and England.

Update: Sept 17th - Joshua is nearly crawling and eats lots and lots of solids. He enjoys exploring things and putting things into his mouth as well. He now has his own bedroom and sleeps the whole night through.

Joshua was impeccable at his dedication service at which his parents also had an enjoyable time. We are entrusting in God to watch over him and protect him as he grows up, he is a real gift to us! Joshua also has a passport now and will be taking his first ever flight at the end of September to Germany.

Update: July 1999 - Joshua has now had all his main injections and is now around 10lbs. He loves eating and is settling down a lot more as well as becoming a lot more aware of all the things that are happenning around him. Like his father he likes to get out and travel.

I hope you appreciate the HTML Thumbnails, as requested by some people, stay tuned and God bless......

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