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Saturday, July 17, 1999

Hey all, its been a while since the last update, though not much has happened in the world of Young Jedi in the time that I haven't updated, which to me is quite disappointing, as I was hoping that perhaps Decipher would get around to posting the point values for the trade-ins, so that we can find out what we can get for churning out all of that money for cards (other than the cards themselves that is). It has also been released that Decipher is embarking on yet another Customizable Card Game to release, this one being based on the movie, Austin Powers. I read an interesting conversation in the Austin Powers sound off board at the official site, with one person talking about Decipher taking on more games than they can handle, using the recent 3 month delay on Endor due to YJ as an example. Another person went on to argue the opposite point, stating that we should have more patience, and that 3 months is not worth crying over. I found this conversation quite intriguing, though in the end I would have to agree with the anti-Decipher stance, based on the fact that really, Decipher seems to have enough problems churning out products as it is, without adding more products to the fold. We'll see what happens though, I mean, if Decipher can do it successfully, and create games worth playing, all the more power to them, but as a constant Decipher supporter over the past 2 years (I can tell you, I've been in many a debate taking Decipher's side), my patience with them is certainly starting to wear thin, and I wonder if I can take much more of these kinds of debates. In other news, the tournament scene is well up and running, and its good to see that players around the world are beginning to take on the tournament scene, with a few players off to a good start in the ratings. Congratulations goes out to those players who are succeeding in these early tournament exploits. While I remember, the Site of The Month has also been awarded, this month to 'Gungan Swamp', a very good site, that seems to be doing very well for itself. On another point, I also listened into another conversation on the Decipher BBS (lotsa spare time lately) about the question "Why bother playing YJ if it is going to expire in three expansions?". This argument kinda scares me, since I enjoy playing the game, and would be quite the disappointed one if the game were to fold like that. If you have an opinion on it, I'm willing to listen to it, so just make sure you all send those emails in, to, with your opinion on some of the big issues out there in YJ land. Thanks!!




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