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My Writing...and Other Thoughts...

This 'page is under construction and may be for some time...HOWEVER...I do reccommend you come back and "check up" on it from time to time.... I will work on it as time allows so that you can watch it "unfold"...:)

Pictures are cool. They also slow down load time on some systems and take away space I can use for more writing :) Sue me.


One more time it has been shown to me that the governments of the United States (Local, State and Federal) insist on treating me more and more like a child.... I hear in the news that a California city is trying to convince its people that they do not own their family pets anymore. Noone does....the pets own themselves (who the hell thought up this one needs drug testing....) THEREFORE: As an able bodied adult of sound mind, I do hereby invoke my God given right to be a dumbass.

For example: If I am jaywalking across the street when I believe it is safe to do so, any peaceofficers present DO NOT have the right to cite me for said offense. I am an adult and a big boy now-- I think I can handle myself in this matter. However, if I was to be struck by a passing motor vehicle, the fault would NOT be the motorist's, it would be mine. Is it his fault that in that moment I chose to jaywalk? No, of course not. And if I didn't survive, then the gene pool would be improved and justice served thereby. .

First, a disclamer. Henceforth I am going to daydream (nightmare?) on a variety of subjects generally not mainstream and sometimes not politically correct. You'll live. If you want kiddyporn or a formula for plastique explosive, that's the next site over.

The reason liberals abhor conservatives is because instead of using words like: "maybe", "possibly" and "comprimise"; conservatives prefer the word "No."

If you're FBI, NSA or the like and what I say makes you nervous, go read my file-- everyone else does.

Let's start off with gun control-- if you really believe in gun control, put a sign in your front window (doesn't have to be that big, 8 1/2 x 11 will do) that says: "Warning: These premesis protected by an unarmed citizen!" Hint: If you want to convince me that you stand for what you believe in, make the letters big.

The real reason poloticians want gun control has nothing to do with crime or public safety: They make money on incarcerated felons! It has to do with: Every once in awhile someone with a gun gets brave enough to turn toward the government and say: "No."

autonomy: /n./ 1. The quality or state of being independent, free and self-directing: individual or group freedom [The autonomy of every individual should be respected.] 3. The sovereignty of morals: possession of moral power of the individual to be self-legislating in the realm of morals-- opposed to heteronomy

heteronomy: /n./ 1. A subjection to something else: as a: subordination to the law or domination of another (as in political subjection) b: the condition of lacking moral freedom or self-determination [in heteronomy the obeying laws not of its own making-- D. D. Runes]-- opposed to autonomy

Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary Unabridged, 1969

Interesting paradox. Government abhors (can't stand) autonomy.





I am going to pick on President Clinton NOT because I agree or disagree with the man's polotics, but because he's in a position of great power and everyone knows who he is. Me personally, I think there is someone(s) working behind (and through) good ol' "Slick Willie"-- anyone with THAT much power who has that much trouble keeping his pecker in his pocket deserves to live out his life knowing that he is someone else's cabanna boy.

Now, whether I am describing President Cabanna Boy or someone "above" him makes no difference...I am going to peer into an extremely evil mind. {Who else would dream up "plausible deniability"?} If you are of the faint of heart or the weak of stomach, you can stop reading now.

Imagine I am President Evil (not all of the websites with damning information against me can be wrong! Hint: somthing stinks.), and I am in my planning or "war" room. Like the Hollywood general standing before his wallmap and pushpins planning the next assault, I know that I am not eligible to run for another term: if I want to stay in office, I've got to do something drastic. The only way I can remain in office after a second term is by shifting/suspending/ overthrowing our current government. And why shouldn't I? I am arguably the most powerful man in the free world-- my family and friends I care about (who don't betray me) will be safe, protected and well cared for.... More importantly, I am President Clinton, the greatest President who ever lived! The people are too chaotic and stupid to govern themselves-- they need me to be their king. That settles it-- I'll do it.

Here is the $64,000 question: I have the military, the executive orders and the time to take control of America by force: why am I still waiting...why haven't I done it yet?

Because you have too many guns. My Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are the finest in the world. They would protect me well, but they are not enough.

If ten men with shotguns marched against me from outside my Oval Office I would show it in the media as a tragic reminder as to what happens to those who would do me harm. If a thousand showed up all at once, it would be a slaughter and I would be whisked away by my Secret Service. What about a million? What if a million angry men with shotguns showed up hell-bent upon my destruction? Not even all my M1 Abrahams together shoot that fast. SOMEONE would get through, over or around my defences. "The snowflake defeated Napolean." Ludicrous? Yes. Would my supporters alert me to such an attack long before it arrived? Most certainly.

The point is that even with all my armies, I can't piss off an entire nation with millions of firearms within easy reach-- someone would shoot me.



As an aside, let the author put it another way.....

The movie "Braveheart" was a motion picture about (among other things) Hollywood's representation of how the Scots won their freedom (by force of arms) from England. Before gunpowder was invented, men lined up in rectangular formations (or undualting mobs) and (failing an equitable negotiation between the leaders of the two armies) and charged each other to the death.

Now, imagine in this corner, the Villianous King Edward the Longshanks (President Cabanna Boy), His barons and field marshalls (His Cabinet and cronies), King Edward's troops (the military and local law enforcement) and in the other corner we have Champion William Wallace (Any real leader of men with the willingness to say "No") and his troops (anyone else willing to stand up to the government and win their freedom by force).

In the movie: How many of those battles would have still occurred if the English had taken the time and effort to confiscate the Scots axes and clubs so they would have had to charge mounted knights with their bare hands??



Religion (be it Christ, Budda or whathaveyou, even with all of its faults) does a lot of good for millions of citizens: why would government really want to ban prayer in public schools? 1. Government seeks to control. Whether it's two antisocial neighbors fighting on their front lawns or an antisocial nation over the next ridge, Government seeks to control them in one way or another. 2. Government has done it's best so far to strip us of our guns. The only thing worse than a gun in the hands of an angry citizen is his faith that God will protect him and see him through on his "mission from God" to secure his own freedom. Whether he is using an AK-47 or a butterknife sharpened on a piece of granite rubbed smooth, faith will see him through long after the AK runs out of ammunition...and with the butter knife, he can allways murder a sentry for his submachinegun. 3. Faith builds self esteem. On the surface, Government wants citizens with self worth because they are more productive and (generally) better behaved. In reality, government detests citizens with self esteem becuase they want more of their fair share, less taxes and they are more difficult to control. In ancient Rome it was common knowledge that the Romans hated Jewish slaves becuase they would not "lie down" and accept "their lot in life". They were too proud as a people. 4. They're the most numerous and the easiest to control (because the government pays the school's bills). .


((Back to President Cabbanna Boy in his War Room)) Even if I could pass legislation to outlaw public ownership of firearms against the Bill of Rights, too many would openly disobey.

We have been passing anti-gun laws for years and have "pruned the tree". We enacted "Use a gun, go to prison." legislation. They kept their guns. We even murdered gun-lovers wholesale....still they have guns.

How can I do this? How can I disarm the people of America when they don't want to be disarmed without making them angry at me? There must be a way.

Conclusion #1: I [[or they]] must make them WANT to give up ther guns.

Why would they want to? What would possibly make them WANT to give up their firearms?

How do I change the minds of millions of selfcentered, disorganized people who fear dictatorship (I am NOT a dictator! This is my heroic rise to power to save the nation!) to where they willingly surrender their guns and encourage others to do the same?? (I must admit-- that movie star publicly surrendering her handguns was a fine stroke!!)


I must create a social climate in the United States where the people see guns as something so horrible they feel they MUST be removed from the private sector before something worse happens.

What could possibly be worse than my [[or their]] dictatorship? What could I show them in the media that would encourage them to hate guns and those who own them?

Half-crazed gun-owners openly shooting good, honest, innocent woment and children (ideally just before they take their own lives so they can't be "brought to justice" or betray my [[our]] plan).

That might do it.

How often? Not more than once a month at most-- any more than that and someone will start asking too many questions.

How do we do it? Access FBI files (I don't give a shit if it's illegal, just do it or get in the unemploymnent line!) and look for people (especially youths, they're so impressionable) who have lived a disgruntled life. Look for those who preferably already have a working knowledge of firearms and explosives AND the inclination to use them if provoked. Out of those, find ones that are likely to commit suicide rather than "face the music". Ensure that such individuals have access to such weapons-- send agents (No, not Smith-- send Williams) to innocently provide them with the weapons at or below cost if we have to. [How many billion dollars was our departmental budget last year?]]

Then all we have to do is "turn up the heat" in their lives until they snap. Push 'em hard enough and they'll shoot somebody-- just make sure it's not a drug-addicted homeless felon-- make it a decent, kind, God-fearing white adolescent female if possible.




Dude, we love you but, you're full of shit and you're about to make yourself into the biggest horse's ass since the invention of the World Wide Web......

Maybe....what if I'm not? I am just one man who is still tied to a 40 hour a week job-- I don't have the time (let alone the resources) to just drop everything and investigate this-- if I'm right and I tried investigating it alone I'd probably get killed ("Accidents do happen...."). I'm going to dream up some "really tasty" questions for others to ponder later on.....:)

ORRRRRRR, I am right-- at least partially. If that's true, something needs to be done.

1. You (or Angelfire) could have this site shut down-- why would you want to take the time to bother if I wasn't at least PARTIALLY right?

2. You (or youall) could (as usual if someone gets too close to the truth) have me discredited. Sticks and Stones. By the way, bring your lunch-- I call 'em as I see 'em and I don't hide behind the definition of the word "is".

3. You could arrange for "a most unfortunate accident" (No, not Jones-- send Smith). True, but aside from my teeth slowly rotting away I am in perfect health and I am not your usual disgruntled misfit living on the edge of society. I have lots of friends and relatives who love me and tell me I'm a swell guy-- I would be sorely missed. They would (along with anyone who reads this) have loads of questions for you as to my untimely silence-- and they will know I was right. If you try and are unsuccessful, your greatest fear is NOT my 12ga. Obviously. Your greatest fear is that someday my ten fingers reach a keyboard and an internet access-- any access-- and I start spurting the truth.... And if Smith is successful, I'll be dead anyway.

4. If I am right and you're still reading this (and you're paid to do so anyway.....), I reccomend two things:

A. Leave me alone.

B. Pray to whatever gods you may believe in that this "Truth really is stranger than fiction" and that you and I are the only ones who really believe it.




1. Which instances of death by violence are we looking for to investigate? "High profile" case where firearms and/or explosives were used. Example: Even an M2 .50 cal machine gun has a maximum effective range of at most, say, five miles. Anyone outside of the state of Colorado would've been more than safe. Why did the story receive so much national attention (for "years" on end) other than sensationalisim?

2. Some malcontents are just that-- misfits with a gun, a tragedy and no connection to anyone else except his or her victim(s). If I'm right, others are not. Do weapons magicly jump up and deliver themselves to people who want to use them? No, Of course not. SOMEBODY delivers the firearms to those that use them.

3. Who is this dude (or dudette)?

4. Where did he (or she) get the weapons in the first place?

5. The "mailman" is the little fish. Whom does he (or she) work for, orrrr, whom does he "hang out" with?

6. Within the media, who has the say and does "overpromote" these stories?

7. BIG QUESTION: Why are most if not all of these shooters concentrating on schools??




BIG HINT: If you feel you're being "stonewalled" or "given the runaround", you're probably getting somewhere.



I find it ironic that our government teaches our young men to spray fire on women and children from above but it won't let them write "fuck" on the side of their airplanes because it would be obscene.



Is it not possible (or even probable) that that same thing we humans call "God" applies to other races as well? Alien races? More later.....


Speaking of aliens....there is a Seti (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program "looking" for intelligent life on other planets. More power to them. Historicly there are only two ways to promote technological advancement-- Explore the Universe or (saddly) start a war. Wouldn't it be fitting that after we found these aliens that they treat us the way our poloticians treat your average third world country?

Step 1. Rush in proclaiming the benefits of Democracy and buy all the raw matierials at rock bottom prices then export them back home.

Step 2. Manufacture the raw materials into finished goods and manipulate the current regime toward Democracy in the name of "the common good".

Step 3. Export said finished goods back to the third world nation at ludicrously overinflated prices for a profit before laughing all the way to the bank.

Did I miss anything substantial?


Rewrite the laws of the land so that everyone can read them and we wouldn't need lawyers. Then regular people like you and I will stand on an even footing in a court of law. There will be no more juries that decide a man's fate based on which lawyer puts on a bigger, more dramatic and emotional show than his opponent.


There was a time in history when simply having a piece of paper with printed words on it was a crime punishable by death-- if everyone who could write was being killed, then who lived long enough to keep writing? Certainly not the common man. It is ironic that (arguably) the three greatest words in American Literature are "We The People"-- at the time they were written, "the people" or most common folk couldn't even read. They were told by others what was on those pages by those that wrote them.

Remember a story called: "Animal Farm"? Oversimplified, it's the story of a group of farm animals that take over the ranch that they live on and paint a code that they collectively live by as equals on the side of the barn for all to read. As the story progresses, in the middle of the night, repeatedly the pigs change the code by painting over the old one when noone is looking. By the end of the story, the pigs are almost openly changing the code all the animals live by...putting them in a position of absolute power over all the animals! I wonder if they still teach that in American high schools..... More on this later.....



Why am I going to open this next can of worms? Why open myself to attack from all sides?

1. If I was wrong up there, this scenario is beyond ludicrous and nothing more than a cool conversation piece for the demented.... Knock yourselves out fellas...:)

2. If I was right, after martial law is declared, the more that know the merrier. Until then, maybe this will peaceably convince them that once the people see what it is to live in a world without did Churchill put it?...."We will fight them in the streets, in the sewers..." and in the end, buy us some time....

How to take down an M1 Abrahams Main Battle Tank-- and I'm assuming you don't just happen to have an AT-4 or bunch of LAWS rockets in your hip pocket. Can I sound convincing? Place your bets.....:)

Before I start in on the M1, why that particular tank? Because it happens to (arguably) be the most powerful vehicle in the (currently) free world. "Our servicemen wouldn't do that to us!" Agreed. How many soldiers/mercenaries are there in foreign countries who would jump at the chance to learn the equipment for "a dance and a song"? More than enough.

I AM assuming a few things: 1. The local authorities cannot/will not help you. 2. You have at your disposal, if you are lucky, your small arms, ammunition and an assortment of chemicals most of which are found either in the cabinet under your kitchen sink or at the local feed store/gas station. 3. If you are undyingly fortuante, you might even have a few less courageous buddies with more of the same. (If you're still looking for a formula for plastique, hapless kids can read this 'page-- go to the library like everyone else! 4. You're defending your home, family and friends ANNND don't have any choice (did I forget to mention martial law is usually enforced with military personnel?)-- who else would engage a multi-ton Detroit steel wrecking machine with their chemicals, courage and shirt (Remember "Jack and the Beanstalk")? 5. You're not stupid enough to want to die for your cause...the occupants of the M1 would be more than happy to assist you in that endeavor. Now that we've got those settled....

1. If you have the longer ranges (say, 100 yards or more) use rifle (yes, I said rifle) shots to "pick away" at the outer parts (if any...the jerry cans of feul, the periscope with the infrared viewfinder ORRR the vision slits/camera lenses...)-- the ones on the outside of the armor plates. I say this because with good aim you can "nickel-dime" the monster into something a little smaller-- just about anything is easier and safer than the other ways to attack an M1 or other tank.

2. Unless there is absolutely no other choice, wait until the tank is unmoving and presumably will not budge for awhile. Within 20 yards of it, the crew inside can't shoot at you (the muzzels of it's weapons won't traverse low enough) and (assuming it's "buttoned up" (all the hatches are closed and everyone's inside)) within 10 yards, they can't see you (the viewfinders/vision slits won't turn that far down). This is your advantage-- they can't fight an enemy they don't know is there....:)

3. Sneak up alongside the vehicle from the side or the rear with a half pound block of plastic explosive after you've coated the outside of it with something sticky (hence the name in WWII-- "sticky bomb"). Place the charge/grenade near or preferably on one of the links to the track (the loop that surrounds the "wheels") and (of course) leave yourself enough fuse to get away. To give you an idea, by the field manual, the minimum safe distance (in the open with no cover) for a 1lb. block of military grade plastique is 100 yds. Soooo, a word to the wise-- have something solid and thick to hide behind handy by the time your "sticky" goes off. WARNING!: Tracked vehicles pivot in place-- if you let him, the driver will smack you with the corner of his machine before you have time to "get clear". In detracking the vehicle, you encourage the crew inside to want to come out. They'll miss the 5 gallons of deisel and really miss the IR scope but until they fix the track, they're a sitting duck and have to walk home. As they come out, all you have to do is have a few buddies in the trees ready to shoot them before they can shoot you.

A. Another method is to mix up some crude napalm (gasoline or diesel feul mixed with something to thicken it up and make it stick without slowing down the burn process too much) and fill several large glass bottles with it. Insert a wick at the end and just before throwing, lite the wick. BTW, if you're an adult and thinking I'm corrupting innocent children, how many of those children are never allowed to watch the evening news? They've already seen us adults using molotovs in the name of polotics and Christ on television, how could they NOT know when a Molotov is "the local drink" in international conflict between the "haves" and the "have nots"?

B. Bring enough to score at least six or eight direct hits (ideally you would have at least three or four people throwing them at once....). Also you will want a few riflemen "in the trees" in case one of the crewmen of the tank wants to spoil the party by coming out with a fire extingusisher. Does steel burn? No. Will it get hot enough to melt the steel? Of course not. What it will do is slowly heat the inside temperature of the vehicle until the ammunition inside "cooks off" (spontaneously combusts). The good news is that it will take a few moments (or more) for the inside of the Abrams to heat up, the bad news is that the depleted uranium rounds might (or will) punch through the armor trying to get out. Be careful. .