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September 1999

September 2 - September already? Wow! Time sure flies when your not following your diet! I found a new quote that sums up my behavior the last couple of months. "Well done is better than well said" Ben Franklin said that one. Isn't that pretty accurate? I have been talking about getting back into this, my intentions were there, but no action. What a revelation :) Anyway, you guys probably think I'm a big ol' liar because I haven't had any losses to report. To make it worse, I got that new battery for my scale yesterday. I wanted to die when I read the numbers. 263. That's right. No more talk, ACTION! I'm scared, disgusted, and ashamed of myself right now. I'm sorry that I haven't been inspirational or helpful to anyone so far. I really need to help myself here. I am leaving for vacation in one week. I guess there's no chance I can lose 130 pounds by then, is there? Well, I'll talk to you all later, and hopefully I will have some positive ACTION to report.

September 3 - Very strange Ok, this is weird. I got on the scale a little while ago and it said 256. How can that be? I stepped on & off a bunch of times and it was the same. Just yesterday it was 263. Maybe it was wrong yesterday? Or maybe since I was so good at following my diet yesterday, my body is trying to encourage me to stick with it. Well whatever the reason, I'm happy! I got a couple of emails this morning from people telling me not to cheat and to just stick with it. I appreciate those messages. One person asked me if I ever saw Dr. Phil McGraw on Oprah. Well, not only have I seen him, I have two copies of his book! (by accident). Anyway, I just started reading it, and he is great. He gives you a real kick in the pants to look at your life and what you are doing and how to do what you want to be doing. Although I haven't finished the book, I highly reccommend it. My boyfriend even wants to read it! Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day today. I have to go now because my dog is complaining about having to go out for a walk! Here's to another low carb day today, cheers!

September 4 - this makes more sense! Just got off the scale. 258. I guess that seems more reasonable than yesterday's apparent loss. I am really happy though because I am still doing well. Did great on my diet yesterday. You know what? I don't want to call it a diet anymore. That's too stifling. I just did great yesterday. How 'bout that? Anyway. I am leaving in 5 days and I am soooo excited. I really don't have anything new to report today. I had a job interview yesterday, and the interviewer was kind of mean to me. She was actually really nice until I answered her with an answer she didn't like. She asked me my goals and what I would like to be doing in the future. I told her that I am interested in editing, but now that I have finished school (yes, school is over!) I'm not sure if its the career that I want. I said that I would really like to learn more at this point about other parts of the entertainment industry and maybe find some other things I am interested in. Well, she went off at this point. She said she doesn't have time to train someone how to do the job and have them decide after 2 years that this isn't what they really want and then just leave. I said that I completely understand that and that I am looking for something stable myself where I can learn and grow with the company. She didn't believe me and she said that she is really hesitant to consider me. Then she looked at my resume and said I have really good skills and maybe I would work out. I said thank you and that was basically the end of that. She was just such a bitch to me. You know, I can understand her concerns, but her whole attitude and tone changed toward me like I was just wasting her time. Anyway, I probably won't be getting that job :) I probably would hate working for her anyway, so there! Well, that's all for now. Talk to you later.

