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My Information on Ken Shamrock.

Ken Shamrock has been through a lot since the day he was born. His mom wasn't really able to control him as they got older. His dad was never really around, and his step father was on the rough side when punishing him. Not only was home life rough for Shamrock and his siblings, there relationship with neiborhood kids was just as rough. They were picked on and beat up. After spending a lot of time in Juvenile Hall, he was sent to a boys home, runned by Bob Shamrock. Ken lived there for the rest of his life and at the age of 18, was officialy adopted. While training in the arts of Shoot, and Submission fighting, he also went to Japan and learned Pancrase fighting and became the King of Pancrase. After that he joined the UFC, and soon became the Super Fight Champion. Then in 1997 he joined the WWF, and has had a pretty succesful career. He is hoping to stay with the WWF until his contract is up and then is thinking of going back to the UFC.

Another website with a quick Bio on Shamrock.

Another Site For More Shamrock Information.

The Three Main Titles That Ken Shamrock Has Held In The WWF.
