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I remember Rachel Joy Scott

Of A Child

The haunting eyes of a child
The quiet silence she brings
The soul of a poet
Silently she sings

The haunting thoughts of a child
The inner peace she brings
The heart of a peacemaker
She is so many things
A daughter
An angel
A sister
A friend
Together forever
Until the end.

copyright 1999, Wendy Bartlett. All rights reserved.

Requiem For A Queen

One year after the Columbine incident your name is one amongst the many that are being remembered in this nation's consciousness, Rachel Scott.
You can claim something they no one else can, at least for me,-you got to me, you got me to believe in a purpose, in forgiveness, in God again and nobody, not even Cassie Bernall can say this other than you Rachel.
From what I've read and heard about you, I know that you're a good person who accepted everyone you met and served God to the best of your ability. I wish I had met and known you Rachel and I know I'll meet you up in heaven when its my time. You were an angel in life and now you're an angel in death and I shall pray for you and your family. You will always live in my mind and in my heart Rachel.

Jeff Mayers

Shining onstage before us, not a care in the world.
Smiling, laughing, loving all.
You gave your heart to so many, it was not in vain.
So innocent my friend, your life ended much too soon.
It must have been shocking seeing your friend, the last face before you died.
Not remembering the friendly face, just the cold empty eyes.
Now the stage is empty, we have never met.
You gave so much already and we will never forget.
The way you touched our hearts, you will never know.
Your smiling face and kind eyes, engraved into my soul.
I never knew you my friend, but maybe one day we would have met.
On a stage somewhere, we'd laugh and talk, there would be no pain.
Now you're shining like a star.
I didn't know you Rachel, but you will always be in my heart.

copyright 1999. All rights reserved.

Once an angel on Earth, she has left now far too soon and has become an angel in heaven.

Rachel's story touched me deeply. She was warm and giving and had a place in her heart for the school's 'outcasts'. She recently played the part of an outcast in the school play. She wasn't afraid to be different. She was just Rachel.

Her middle name is Joy. I find this very fitting because she brought joy and laughter into the lives of everyone she knew. We have all seen the pictures of Rachel's car covered with gifts and poems and prayers. This was a shrine to her for many who could not believe that a girl with such a strength of spirit and character and who was so full of life could possibly be gone... and so soon. It is horribly unfair that Rachel, like all the people who died that day, should die so early and so tragically. Now we have to learn from what happened, learn from Rachel's example and her life. We have to remember.

This talented young lady played the piano with just as much beauty as was in her heart. She acted and was wonderful at it. She loved life and her family. I remember her for her compassion and her spirit. The way she loved everyone, unconditionally. She set an example for us all. We remember you Rachel.

Learn more about Rachel and her life.

~ Rachel Scott Memorial Fund ~

~ Englewood Municipal Credit Union ~ 3400 S. Elati ~ Englewood, CO 80211 ~

"Tomorrow is not a promise, but a chance."