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Aaron's Innernet Humor Place Last Updated: September 28, 2000
Last Created: April 6, 1999
Currently: 111 Humor Documents
Screen Setting: 800x600 - High Color
If you understand that, kudos.
If not, don't sweat it. It's not that important.

Thank you for visiting Aaron's Innernet Humor Place at!

I am happy to say that this is an entirely CLEAN site. You will find no humor documents with any kind of vulgarity, racism, violence, or sexual innuendoes on this site because I find no humor in those kinds of jokes. And I can do that because I'm Webmaster Aaron, so please no complaints. They will fall on deaf eyes (I'm mean, blind ears-no, wait a second. . .)

Anyway, you know how employers hang their first dollars on the wall of their business? Well, to see the closest thing I could find to that on the Internet (where this is free), click HERE.

If you are reading this from a computer at work, click HERE

All the humor documents on this webpage are the rights of their respective creators and, unless otherwise mentioned, I did not write anything on this site beyond what actually appears on the site-pages themselves. Also, I am not affiliated in any way with any, nor have I received any monetary contributions for any and all advertisements that may or may not appear -- cool lawyer talk, huh? -- on any and all of the pages that may or may not appear on my (or any other affiliated or non-affiliated websites) website.

-Aaron Steinmetz
Webmaster Extraodinaire

Aaron's Innernet Humor Shtuff

What's New?

- Poetry Shtuff
- Religious Shtuff
- Redneck Shtuff
- Computer Shtuff
- Christmas Shtuff
- Humor List Shtuff
- Miscellaneous Shtuff
- Story Jokes, and Shtuff
- Battle of the Sexes Shtuff

Links to Other Places
