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Is he really that much better? Don't know, but I think he's just as cool! So, here's a bit about him.

Name/Title: Copy/Kopii Rezo
Age: 3-10(?) years
Height: 7'0''
"Family": Rezo, Eris(creator), Zelgadis(technically)

Copy Rezo has an inferiority complex. In short, he's out to become better than the original Rezo after having to be compared to him and created to live up to his standards by Eris. When you look at Copy Rezo, you just know that he's really different from the original.

It's not just the eyes (but those are cool, too) that makes him so different. By just looking at those eyes, you know that he's kinda cooky in the head a bit (hey, so was Rezo). I don't think Copy Rezo was evil, and personally I'm not all that into the whole cloning deal; Eris shouldn't have messed with copying people. But Eris wasn't evil, either. There isn't any evil (heck, I don't even consider mazoku evil; they're just created to try to destroy the world!) and I actually pity Copy Rezo. I know what it's like to live in someone's shadow continuously, although he kinda went the wrong way about it. At least he died somewhat happy? I can't really say, but he was a little forgiven by everyone before he died.