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Platinum HOLE: "The HOLE Illusion"

Welcome to Platinum Hole, one of the newest Hole sites you'll find. (For the time being at least) I'm forever changing it and plan so much to make this site unique. So I really hope you enjoy what I have so far, if you have any comments &/or suggestions e mail me.

Yeh... yeh... yeh... I know there have been no updates, my fault totally. Our computer has been to the doctor and I've been busy with my other sites. I hate to neglect yall. My guestbook is really messed up, I dunno why but I'll try to fix it soon. I'd like to thank Scott of Planet Hole for making me the awesome logo at the top of this screen. I'll try to get the colors coordinating soon, I still have a lot of blues but I'm going black now, changes will be up soon I hope.
6/16/99 *~*Ta Ta for now~*~ Psycho Princess or Optic Sparkle

Remember you can no longer reach us at only at the Angelfire addy or at

Site News: I got the photo's scanned and fixed, now I just need to upload them I hope to have a few good photo's up shortly.

Wa Hey! Wanna link to Platinum HOLE?!? Yes of course you do! well here's some banners to choose from

Thanks to Lisa for this new one.

Link it to:

This dumb guestbook is screwed up, sorry...

Platinum Hole's Gallery
"My Guardian Angel is Dead"
Hole Adoptians (Not up yet)
Join the "Smeared Lipstick" Yahoo! fan club
Pick out some HOLE stationary to print out (Not up yet)
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Join "The HOLE World Webring"
The Webrings we are currently in

If your a true HOLE fan you'll wanna join Platinum HOLE's Newsletter, "My Guardian Angel is Dead HOLE Newsletter." Again I'm not copying any other HOLE newsletter I just want a place to vent my HOLE thoughts. If a person says you can't have a newsletter on your site cuz it's copying thats dumb and like saying you can't build with Angelfire cause I did first. HA! Either way join if ya want! I hate SPAM and your e mail and personal info. will NOT be given out or sold!

Web Site Post Office

Planet Hole Rulz


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This The HOLE World Webring site owned by Optic Sparkle.

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not sorry not ever forever my power
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