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The Lucie Stern Center - Palo Alto

Lucie Stern Community Center
1305 Middlefield Rd.
Palo Alto, CA
Take Hwy. 101 to the Embarcadero Road Exit
Head WEST on Embarcadero
Turn RIGHT on Middlefield Road
Halfway down the block there will be a parking lot on the right hand side, Turn into the parking lot and follow the signs!

Great News!! There will not be a performace at the theater the night of our wedding - calloo calay!

This is a not-so-great picture of Stern Hall, the site of the reception. It is all set up for a traditional wedding in this photo, but I think we'll dispense with the pink balloons for our event. :)

As guests arrive, they'll be greeted with music, nibbles and wine in the beautiful stone courtyard. As the sun sets, a team of muses will lead the guests to the Outdoor Patio, an area with a lush lawn and lovely planted borders. The ritual will begin at sundown - a candlelit ceremony, written by us, full of ancient celtic tradition. The revels will be held inside the Stern Ballroom, a gorgeous open-beamed ceiling space with hardwood floors and fireplaces at both ends. There we will be entertained by only the finest! (see our entertainers page for more info)