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Welcome to The Graybrook Institute, a private educational endeavor created to advance the Christian world view and the historic Christian faith.

The Graybrook Vision

Culture at the Crossroads

The Foundation of Knowledge

The Purpose of Knowledge

Education and the Nature of Man

The Scope of Education


Analyses And Reviews


Graybrook Institute Film Critic Graham Moes, right, with Jack Templeton of the Sir John Templeton Foundation. Mr. Moes holds a trophy accompanying a $10,000 Kairos Prize from the Templeton Foundation awarded on March 2, 2006, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The prize was for his screenplay Men of Iron, an adaptation of Howard Pyle's classic knights' tale of the same name. The prizes were awarded at a gala ceremony sponsored by Movieguide and the Christian Film and Television Commission. The Kairos Prize was designed for screenplays with uplifting spiritual and moral values.

Visit the Graybrook Institute Web Log

Featuring essays from The Gauntlet, a newsletter challenging the dominant culture with the weapons of Christian truth.

Sound and Spirit: Life, Passion and Discernment in Contemporary Youth Music

Ethos, Part I: Living Out an Inevitable Idea

Ethos, Part II: A Strategic Retreat

Worshipping Gods of Their Own Making: America's Political Idolatry

Our Sunday Best: Seeking Excellence in Grooming and Worship

Theological Papers

The Lordship of Christ

Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

Finessing the Gospel: News Too Good to Be True

A Graybrook Interactive Survey

Who were the 20 most influential people of the 2nd millennium?

Our survey results are in and provide a unique opportunity for some historical introspection.
Click on the world icon below to see the results of our survey.

Editor - Garry J. Moes

P.O. Box 2066, Murphys, CA 95247

Copyright © 1999-2005
The Graybrook Institute

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The Washington Times
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Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics
Sola Scriptura!
The Genevan Institute for Reformed Studies
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Puritan Storm
Christian Apologetic and Research Ministry
Bible Gateway - Search the Bible in Nine Languages
Protestant Reformed Network
Solomon's Key - Christian Links Page
Judicial Watch
Voice of the Martyrs
Open Doors with Brother Andrew
Intercessors for America
The Rutherford Institute
Home School Legal Defense Association
Fight Global Warming Hysteria

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