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Greg's Home Page

Hello everyone! My name is Greg and I am from Benicia, CA.. I made this web page cuz it seemed like it would be fun and I was right. I am 24 years old and currently working as a Financial Analyst at Waste Management (Just promoted in the beginning of July). I graduated from UC Santa Barbara, where I majored in Business Economics with an emphasis in Accounting (Class of 2001). Visit my Miscellaneous Page to see a copy of my degree. Check out some of the new pictures I have added to my picture, car, and new picture pages. Some of my hobbies include fixing up my '95 Civic HB Si (click here to see the modifications to my car), playing volleyball, and listening to and collecting music. Well March 17, 2003 was a sad day in terms of the Civic. Some assholes stole it from my driveway. It was found a few days later but as we all figured the stereo was completely gone. Check out some of the depressing pictures. Since then I have gotten it back and it only cost my insurance $6,500.

Here Are Some Links:

My Older Bro's Site
Internet Movie Database
Dimension Music
Mr. Excel Message Board
Hip Hop Lyrics

My Picture's Page-> <-My Miscellaneous Page

Car Pictures
New Pictures
New Years in Reno
Memorial Day weekend in Las Vegas

Last Modified: July 22, 2003