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Fuji's Page

Hey everybody!!

This is my webpage. It's pretty much dead, but oh well.


March 28, 2003

WOW! Almost 2 whole years since I've updated. Well, in that time, something very important happened. I got a girlfriend. She's Jenny. Today it's our 1 year 5 month aniversary. It's been a lot of fun, and I love her a lot. Well, nothing else to add, except I got into pharmacy school which I will be starting next fall. I'm now part of Rho Pi Phi, a professional pharmacy fraternity. Nothing else for now. Hopefully, it won't take me 2 more years to update this again.

September 16, 2001

No update, just a comment. VOLCANO BASH ROCKED!!!!

September 13, 2001

Made a little memorial page. Although nothing I can do can console those who lost family or friends during the incident, I will certainly do my best.

September 11, 2001

What the hell happened today? Freaking A...It's time for war...

September 5, 2001

Hey! I'm a college man now! University of the Pacific is a really great place. The people are really nice, and we have some FINE girls. I just put up my schedule, and that's about it.

July 6, 2001

Well, It's been a while since an update. Changed my profile. That's about it. It'll be at least another month til the next update cause i'm going on a cruise to Alaska. Hope I catch more fish than on the 3-day I just got back from.

April 20, 2001

Wow! It took me less than a month to do this update. I really didn't change anything that you can see, I just uploaded some pics to bring back the babes section soon. On a completely different topic, what college should I go to?? Either UOP or George Washington. This is too hard to decide.

March 25, 2001

Hey, I'm getting better on my updates. This one only took 2 months. hehe. Well, all I did was update my profile for the first time in like forever, so there it is.

January 21, 2001

Happy 2001! Haha! I know I haven't updated this page in a LONG time, and I'm sorry, but I did add a new section. It's a section dedicated to D-Day! It was made for a school history project, but I still think it's cool.

May 3, 2000

OK, I know I haven't done anything in a LONG time to this page, but today, I temporarily closed the chicks page in order to fix all the broken pictures. Hopefully it won't be down too long, but with AP's and stuff, might be a couple weeks, or months, or years. Oh yea, I also cleared up this front page by removing the past updates and putting them in a archive in case anybody lame enough wants to go read them.

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Jenny, the most wonderful woman in the world

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