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Accessing. . . Chibi Sephiroth: WHAT THE PEACOCK?!

Pretty Sammy: "Peacock"?

Chibi Sephiroth: Sephiroth said I wasn't allowed to say "Hell." OOPS!

Pretty Sammy: Smooth as ice...

Chibi Sephiroth: Heh heh... you didn't hear that... heh heh heh... ::sweatdrops::

Sephiroth: Hear what?

Pretty Sammy: I think now'd be a good time to get on our knees and beg for forgiveness, ne?

Chibi Sephiroth: PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!! ::sobs, clinging to Seph's leg::

Sephiroth: Don't touch me.


Sephiroth: SHUT UP ALREADY! Jeez. When I was twelve years old... ::disappears::

Chibi: ::sniffle sniffle:: That was fun. ^_^

Sammy: You mean, you do that on purpose?

Chibi: No! Are you crazy?!

Sammy: Then...

Chibi: Cloud told me to. He said that way, Sephiroth would be too annoyed to destroy the world! ^_^ Cool, huh? ::looks proud::

Sammy: ........Uh....... riiiiiight.... Hey, look! This visitor here's been listening the whole time! Jeez, sorry. O.o

Chibi: Gomen nasai! ^_^

Sammy: Well, anyway, our headquarters recently... fell apart... (namely, I got a new computer) so there's not much here. ::sweatdrops:: Feel free to, um, look around and, like, try to find something worth reading. ^_^;;

Chibi: ::looks around:: Hey, where's SAD and Ruri?

Sammy: They, uh, had to take a coffee break! ^^;;

Chibi: For a month?

Sammy: Pretty much... yeah.

Chibi: ................................ OK, then! ^_^ Hey, visitor... you're probably really bored, so just point your mouse here and click.

Sammy: ::giggles::

Chibi: What's so funny?!

Sammy: Noooooooothing...

Final Fantasy VII and all things pertaining to it is copyright to Squaresoft Inc., all rights reserved. All images were edited or created by Psycho Kirby. All content is copyright 1999 to Psycho Kirby. All music was taken from Ragnarok and The Video Game Music Archives. All MIDIs were originally composed by Nobuo Uematsu, and rearranged by their respectful composers. The webmaster is in no way taking credit for the rearrangment of the MIDIs.