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December 1999 -- #99-12

Now reaching 80 cousins -- 69 by e-mail and 11 by "snail mail"

Special to 
this issue:

John Alexander Jickling

A Correction 

Some Still Out of the Loop
-- A Progress Report


John Alexander Jickling 1909-1999

by Sue Hobbs (15) of Sacramento, CA
In early November sad news arrived from branch 3 telling of the death of John Alexander Jickling of Kindersley, SK. Daughter-in-law Jean Jickling said, "He passed away peacefully on November 2, 1999. A service was held Friday, November 5 in the Brock Community Hall with a large number of people in attendance."

The June issue of the Jickling Journal included a feature about Alex's 90th birthday celebration, written by his wife, Ella. Alex took great pride and pleasure in his position as "the oldest living male Jickling". He was the earliest developer of the Jickling Pedigree, later expanded and published by the late Jean Locke (11). These early efforts prompted further research by David L. Jickling (5) as published in The Jicklings of Comstock and then David's joint project with Stan L. Langley (1A), The Jicklings of Norfolk. (Both books are available to read online at Jickling Connection.) Their work in turn led to the establishment of Jickling Connection online, publication of The Jickling Journal, and efforts to round up living descendants for inclusion in an update of David's Jickling Directory.

Said David, "Alex, for me, started all of the interest in the Jickling family. He contacted my father in the 50's and added our family data to his. Then we received the huge family tree which he had developed. It must have been ten feet long! We are all thankful for his pioneering work."

A Correction

In "Anyone for a Trip to Norfolk?" (November issue), it should have said that the visit would be June 1-5.

Some Still Out of the Loop -- A Progress Report

by Sue Hobbs (15) of Sacramento, CA

I hope to have the updated Jickling Directory in at least its draft form by June 2000. I want as many cousins as possible to be represented in the directory, and to that end I have been working for over a year to make contact with at least one person in each main branch of Jickling descendants. By contact I mean reciprocal communication and exchange of information. It's been a big job, and two branches remain to be contacted successfully. Your help in locating and contacting the folks listed below would be enormously appreciated. The idea is to determine whether they're interested in this project and, if not, whether they can refer us to others in the branch who might be. In most cases, you will be making the first contact, as I simply can't afford the postage to write to each and every one myself. One or two have received mailings from me before, but I haven't heard back.
Branch 11 - Thomas McClean & Jane (Deans) Jickling

Fourth generation:

  • Archibald D. McDonald of Ottawa, ON 
  • Suzanne E. (McDonald) Gowing (Mrs. Neil) of Brussels, ON 
  • Sandy Ian Ray McDonald of Ontario? 
  • James Rae Thompson of Tillsonburg, ON 
  • Robert McBeth Thompson of Ontario? 
  • Helen Lorraine (Smith) Terbbertman (Mrs. Roland) of Prince Albert, SK 
  • Merilyn 'Ann' (Smith) Smith (Mrs. Douglas) of Kitchener, ON 
  • Robert David Smith of Ontario? 
  • Henry James Locke of Hamilton, ON 
  • Leonard William Locke of Hamilton, ON 
  • Robert Neil Locke of Hamilton, ON 
  • James 'Delford' Duncan of Atwood, ON 
  • Joyce Isabel (Duncan) Yundt (Mrs. John William) of Brampton, ON 
  • Doris Mae (Duncan) Cupskey (Mrs. Gordon Samuel) of Monkton, ON 
  • Edna Marie (Duncan) Hilts (Mrs. Brian George) of Shining Tree, ON 
  • Joan Patricia (Hansford) Jones of Stratford, ON 
  • Ruth Helene (Madden) Hansford (Mrs. Gordon LeRoy) of Stratford, ON 
Branch 11, cont. 

Third generation:

  • Mary 'Isabel' (Jickling) Wenzel (Mrs. Clifford) of Listowel, ON 
  • Dorothy B. (Jickling) Thompson (Mrs. Ray) of Ontario? 
  • Mary D. (Smith) Turner (Mrs. Harry F.) of Ontario? 
  • Thomas Arnold Smith of Ontario? 
  • James Robertson Duncan of Ontario? 
  • Edna Joan (Duncan) Hansford of Ontario? 
Branch 13 - Joseph Benj. & Mary 'Ellen' (Burton) Jickling

Fourth generation:

  • Robert Allan Jickling of Winnipeg, MB? 
  • Donna G. (Jickling) Roussin (Mrs. Eugene) of Calgary, AB 
  • Paul W. Rice of Le Sueur, MN 
  • Phillip E. Rice of Hamiota, MB 
  • John Rice of Becker, MN 
Third generation:
  • James Thomas Jickling of Winnipeg, MB 
  • Margaret Ellen (Jickling) Rice (Mrs. William P.) of Minneapolis, MN 

Rope 'em in, folks! Let me know of your attempts and the results!


by Stan L. Langley (1A) of King's Lynn, Norfolk

Unknown Jicklings. I have had details of the Lynn St. Margaret’s marriages you quote since the early days of my research. I have no idea how they came to be overlooked and received no mention in the Lynn section of the ‘Jicklings of Norfolk’. The marriage section of the film on which I located these events is less than easy to read, a combination of poor quality original and poor quality filming, I suppose.

My notes indicate that the surname of William who married Susan J. in 1806 may be Amson rather than Amerson. The marriage was by licence but I have not enquired into the whereabouts of a licence bond, supposing it survives. Both bride and groom were single persons. Witnesses to the ceremony were a Thos. Rutter, (my interpretation of the writing) and Wm. Coward. Coward’s name appears frequently in the registers as witness -- parish clerk I think -- and is of no real significance, therefore. All appear to have signed their names. A search of the 1841 and 1851 census for Lynn revealed no trace of this pair.

It is my view that Susan is the sister of my g.g.grandfather William (1786-?), Susan was baptised at Thornham on 11 Jan 1783, daughter of William and Frances (Horn).

The union of Frances J. to John Smith in 1812 was by banns. In this instance my notes indicate that both Frances and John ‘made their mark’. The most important thing in this record is that bride and groom are stated to be widow and widower. The ubiquitous Wm. Coward signs as witness, as well as a lady named Martha whose surname I was not able to decipher. I have a surname-indexed transcript of the Lynn 1841 census, and have just had a preview of the family historian's nightmare -- searching for John Smith of undetermined age and occupation!

That these marriages, and that of my g.g.grandfather (1809) all took place in Lynn within a few years inclines me to believe they are of the same family group, and widow Frances is the former Frances Horn, my three-times great granny.

The marriage of James Jickling to Hannah Larkins is part and parcel of ‘current’ enquires. It is possible (but only just, I think!) that James is the son of John J. and Mary (Cropley) born 27 Oct 1829 and baptised at South Lynn, All Saints, on 29 Nov 1829. But James is not listed on the 1841 census for Lynn, nor can he be located on the 1851 CD for Norfolk. The reason for this may be that he was apprenticed to the sea. (Bear in mind his father was a shipwright.) He would have been considered old enough at 11 or 12 years of age.

GRO. One of the certificates recently received was that relating to the marriage of Hannah Annie Jickling in 1881, ordered because it was one of those names "I knew not of before". As you might have guessed, Hannah Annie is the widow of James, the daughter of James Larkins, a bootmaker. Aged 42, both she and the groom were of 6 Marlborough Road, Camberwell . Her new spouse was a police officer, a widower, aged 43, named Joses Stevens. The ceremony took place in the parish church of Camberwell on 13th February. The newlyweds were easily located on the 1881 census and Hannah Annie is stated to have been born in Dover, Kent. This does nothing to detract from the ‘James was a Sailor’ theory. I have been unable to locate the death of James in the GRO indexes, and a loss at sea would explain why!

Gleanings. I have been scanning the local papers for 1857, mainly in connection with my Langley interests, and came upon the following:

Lynn Advertiser - 4 April 1857

Marriage. 1st inst., at the Independent Chapel, Lynn, William Jickling Sporne, mariner, to Miss Elizabeth Sarah Hanney, Stanley Street, King’s Lynn.

Lynn Advertiser - 12 September 1857

Death. On the 14th inst., at Hingham, aged 62, Frances Fox, last surviving daughter of the late Mr. George Jickling.

The last item merely confirms information already recorded; (see Jicklings of Norfolk pages 13-14).

Where in my chaotic records, I keep asking myself, do I have some other reference to the Sporne name? I have certainly come across it before - but where? Jickling as a given name cannot be an accident - the Sporne name occurs in Brancaster but I cannot pin down the Jickling connection from the register extracts I have. In 1851 William was listed as a sailor (apprentice) lodging in King’s Lynn, born in Brancaster. Help!!


Stretching resources - Along with the November issue, I sent a few of our snail mail subscribers notices that if I didn't hear from them by the middle of the next month, then this issue would be their last. I hate to "drop" cousins from the mailing list, but I think it's important to make sure snail mail recipients are those for whom the newsletter is meaningful and interesting. Although I produce this newsletter as inexpensively as possible, the cost of postage does add up, so it seems prudent to trim the list a little. (It doesn't cost anything to publish the newsletter electronically, so I won't drop any email subscribers.)

Angels among us have recently contributed a total of $110 for production and mailing of the Jickling Journal, plus a book of postage stamps and a ream of paper. (Thank you, angels!) With the current number of subscriptions, I estimate that the Journal will cost about $150 to produce and mail over the coming year. That's just for copies and postage, and doesn't include the cost of stationery and ink jet cartridges, so you can see that these contributions are an enormous help. They're quite a statement, too, about the value you cousins place on this project. It is a source of constant delight and amazement to me that this newsletter is so enthusiastically received by so many. I'm enjoying getting to know each and every one of you.

New feature coming - The January issue will include a new feature: The Super Sleuth Challenge. Each month, I'll issue a research challenge of some kind for you to solve. If you are a researcher who is stuck on some point and can use some help, send the information to me and I'll use it for this feature.

Online: Jickling Jam - This is a secure site, with full contact information for Jickling Journal subscribers stored in the "file cabinet" area. If your browser permits you to upload items, please feel free to do so. If not, send them to me and I'll upload them for you. Have photos and documents you want to share? Send laser copies to me and I'll scan and upload them for you. Remember that for every ten new invitees who visit the site, we earn another 10 megabytes of free storage for our photo albums and such. If you've misplaced your invitation with your user name and password let me know and I'll get another copy of it to you.  If I haven't sent you an invitation yet, let me know that too so I can take care of it. URL:

Online: Jickling Connection - HTML versions of The Jickling Journal (past and current) are available online. Sign on to the site, read the Journal online, print it out, save it to disk -- whatever you like. The URL is .

Holidays: Americans have just had the annual Thanksgiving feast, Advent and Chanukka have begun, Christmas will begin soon, and then the ominous Y2K New Year. My computer and software are supposedly Y2K compliant, so I do not anticipate any interruption in the production of The Jickling Journal. (Actually, I don't anticipate much interruption of anything on January 1 other than my sleep.) Whether or not chaos reigns by the time the January issue is due, my prayer is that the joy and hope and peace we embrace in December may be uppermost in all our hearts and minds and words and deeds throughout the coming year.

-- Sue Hobbs (15)


Branch 3 -- Day-brightener: Mike Jickling was one of several Everblades hockey team players who visited Vineyards Elementary School in Naples, Florida to help celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss on 2 Mar 1999. The players wore striped hats and read Dr. Seuss books to the students. In a letter to the editor of the Naples Daily News, Media Specialist M. Claire Dant said, "On many occasions these and other players have volunteered in our classrooms. These hockey players are positive role models to our students and we thank them for their time." ... Anniversary: Frank & Carol (Jickling) Kollar of British Columbia? - 35

Branch 4 -- Anniversaries: Franciscus Johannes & Bertha (Hutton) Vanderhoeff of Granton, ON? - 25, John & Margaret (Jickling) Forsyth of Salmo, BC - 35 & Murray & Gloria (Parker) Hutton of St. Marys, ON - 35 ... Birthdays: William Douglas 'Bill' Switzer of Thorndale, ON - 84, Daniel Hugh Conn of St. Marys, ON - 87 & Gertrude (Sparrow) Jickling of Regina, SK - 99

Branch 6 -- New subscribers: C. Skip (Biccum) Marsh, Email: & Terry Biccum, Email: (Skip, Terry and the editor are trying to figure out exactly where in the tree they belong.) ... Correction: William Stuart Baxter-Bray was born 28 Jun 1999. ... Updates courtesy of Garth M. Bray and Glenda (Bray) Hutchison: Wilbur 'Mike' Wright died 27 Jan 1991 and his wife Lorraine died 27 May 1993. Viola (Bray) Coombs is no longer living -- no date of death as yet. Donald Orville Bray (b. 25 Apr 1927) died 14 Nov 1999, the last living son of George Bray (1882-1962); two daughters, Wilda and (Margaret) Eleanor, are still living. Re. Hazel (Ellis) Hunter of Vancouver, BC and Stella Bray of Kenton, MB: Garth believes they have both died. ... Anniversaries: Calvin & Helen (Mason) Beauchamp of Manitoba? - 40 , Edwin & Edna (McCleod) June of Hamiota, MB - 53, Andrew & Eva (Biccum) McCormick of Cardale, MB? - 59 & Howard & Catherine 'Kate' (Bray) Tuckwood of Saskatchewan? - 70 ... Birthdays: Kay (Penner) Dow of California - 82, F. John 'F.J.' Coombs of Hamiota, MB - 85, Irene (Silcox) Biccum of Manitoba? -  88, William Thomas Edward Gibson of Portage la Prairie, MB - 89, Sidney Ashford Mundy of Toronto, ON - 89, Howard Tuckwood of Manitoba? - 96 & William Edward Westbrook(e) of Cardale, MB - 107

Branch 8 -- Birthdays: Dorothy (Graham) Guest of Winnipeg, MB - 81, Clifford Courtice of Turtleford, SK - 89, Merle McClain of Madsen, ON? - 89 & Margaret Adrian McClain of Carman, MB - 109

Branch 10 -- Birthday: Alice (Bristow) Woods of Galt, ON - 108

Branch 11 -- Birthdays: Mary 'Isabel' (Jickling) Wenzel of Listowel, ON - 84 & Edna (Duncan) Hansford of Hamilton, ON - 87

Branch 12 -- New email address: Christopher Michael 'Crick' Waters of Redwood City, CA:

Branch 15 -- Anniversaries: Cole Edward & Mary (Broderick) Spohr of California? - 25 & Francis Frederick & Marjorie (Belbin) Woefle of Victoria, BC - 55 ... Birthday: Esther (Meadows) Prince of Pioneer, CA - 93

Note: Please bear in mind that birthday and anniversary information comes from my database and is unconfirmed. Persons listed here may well have passed on without my hearing about it. My program assumes that anyone born less than 120 years ago is still living unless information to the contrary is entered. Please send corrections and updates to the editor. Birthdays listed are for those 80+; anniversaries: 1st, every 5th, and 50+.


Can you identify these past & present Jicklings? Where do they belong in the family tree?


Photos sent by Marlene Bailey (4) of London, Ontario.  Owned by Stuart Hutton (4) of Wellington, Ontario.

Past -- who were they?
Present -- who are they?


AOL members now have free access to the databases of!  Go to keyword: Ancestry.  New databases are added every working day.

The Latter Day Saints (LDS) website is newly improved and much easier to search.  Best of all, film numbers in the International Genealogical Index (IGI) records are now linked to their library catalog, so you can find out just what the source was and how to find it at LDS.

RootsWeb has generally been known to have the most up-to-date and easily searched Social Security Death Index (SSDI). A relatively new feature, called "POST-EM", is designed for researchers to leave notes for other researchers indicating corrections in the data, background information on the individual and/or contact information.

Research tip: Be flexible -- even creative -- about the spelling of surnames. Misspellings often occured in the past when few people were literate. Also, that old handwriting is interesting and even beautiful, but it can also be hard to decipher. People who transcribe old handwritten documents don't necessarily know there's such a name as Jickling, so they produce some interesting interpretations. For instance, a recent search of the IGI produced the marriage of David JECKLING to Martha Crisp 18 Nov 1792 in Snettisham, Norfolk. This marriage is known to Jickling researchers, so we know it should be Jickling, but a number of events in Snettisham were recorded with the name Jeckling, as were several in Heacham. In South Lynn, a couple of records appear with the name GICKLING, there's one in Kings Lynn with FICKLING, and one in Norwich with the name JICKLINE. The IGI shows Sarah Jickling, another one known to researchers, as Sarah LICKLING in her marriage to Charles W. Meadows in Canada. A search for Lickling in England turned one up Yorkshire. Some of these will prove to be connected to us and some will not. It's important to be cautious, but it's also important to be open to possibilities.