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Our little angel Emmanuel Aaron Dawson Antoine Wannamaker

Dec 16/98 - May 4/99

Emmanuel was taken from our lives by SIDS May 4/99 he was 4 1/2 months our 4th child and second son. I had always been afraid of SIDS but never thought I would have to deal with it because I already knew people who had had it happen and they say it is only 1 in 1000 to 1500 babies 3 babies a week in Canada alone. I thought we were safe! Until that morning The Story Of That Horrid Morning You can see a few pictures of us here Photo Album

A collection of what I have written or found that I felt reminded me of Emmanuel Poems

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Awarded June 24 2002

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Our Precious Little ones homepage
Our Precious Little Ones Club (A Place Family & Friends Touched By SIDS To Come Together)
October is SIDS awareness month please help us reach 1000 guestbook entries
Canadian SIDS Foundation

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owned by Emmanuel's Mommy.

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