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The Dragons Lair

Welcome to the dragons lair! This page will be constanly under construction. I will add things as I think of them, and edit others, so check back often. I hope you enjoy what I have written here. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, E-mail me.

Again I have left my site for months without updating it. Sigh. I just can't seem to get the time to maintain it. Ah well. I'm updating it now though, and it will take me a few days (if not weeks) to put up everything I want, so be patient. New information will be put up as I write it. This time, I plan to change some of my D&D stuff (conversion to 3rd edition), and to put up some information regarding some of the exotic animals I keep.

What's New?

The Rest of the Lair

Rift to Argas(AD&D)
Rift to Valdmar(Rifts)
The Dragons Treasure Horde
The Dragons Minions
Allies of the dragon
The Menagerie (not working yet)
