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Welcome To The Guam Page

Guam, as you can see by the map is just south of Saipan. you know where Saipan is...or have even heard of it. We're close to Asia and get over 1 million Asian tourists a year. They come to play, relax and shop.

We are where America's day starts since we are on the other side of the International Date Line. When its Saturday in Guam, its Friday in the US. I can leave here and arrive in California before I got on the plane in Guam. It takes 12 hours of fly time to get here from California (5 hours Cali to Hawaii, 7 hours Hawaii to Guam), but with the layover in Hawaii its not really that bad. The one benefit...all those 3 to 5 hour flights to get around the States seems like short little hops now.

Besides beaches, we have some great scenery, wonderful nature, and terrific sunsets, . We can often be found sitting by the beach watching the sun go down. Gotta love it.

Here's a pic from a hill called Top of the Mar. Great view, even though it was a bit overcast this day.

My last and most favorite pic I've taken since I've been here. This was while heading to a dive site. We always have dolphins cruising and playing with the boats. Pretty terrific.

Here are some of things I do here

Where We Lived
My Paddling...No, not that kind.
My Scuba Diving