Hiya and welcome to my home page!

I am Darlene aka VI-2.. I'm 35 and I reside in North Carolina. I work with Serverly disabled children, I've been working with the disabled for 15 years now, and still LOVE it!
I was born and bred in Northern California.... Here are some pictures where I grew up. This aint Southern California
I am also a survivor of incest. This page is deicated to the hurt child with in me and other survivors of abuse.
I'm telling my story of abuse to help me heal and cope, maybe help others, and say....

This is a poem I wrote about me and my life... Its extreemly personal part of my life.... But it may help you understand alittle more about me and who I am. Its called Daddy I was there

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Hey... I won an award...

Thank you ~Freebird~!