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Curious' Pretender Page

I'm Curious/Flygirl
I UDDERLY love chasing Jarod!*eg*
My work is Classified, altho I also work in Transportion!
I live at the CENTRE in
Blue Cove, Delaware
I'm a Pretender, and a Royal Sista
I'm a Skydiving Spy *lol*
I belong to the HOPE Brigade & the Chicken preTENDER Brigade

Welcome to Curious' Pretender page, I just have to tell you, I absolutely UDDERLY adore Jarod! I wouldn't mind catching up to him!*evil grin* *looking around, then at you, smiling SEEcretively* Of course, I did run into him once. Would you like to hear about it?*lowering voice a bit* I was asked to test the "SECURITY" of certain sub-level section's. I planned every detail. The day of the operation I was more than ready. Althought, I knew "SECURITY" had been alerted as to possible break-in's. It SEEms my situation had become slightly more threatening. At the time I thought Mr. Raines was trying to make it more realistic.*rolls eyes* I should have been suspicious. Okay, so I won't give you all the details of how I ended up repelling down the elevator shaft to a Classified location. Mainly because, it would take too long and that's also Classified.*giggle* Sorry!*smirk* Back to running into Jarod!*evil grin* Everything was going perfect, then Mr. Raines showed up with his goon squad. I realized what he had in mind. I slipped into the SHADOWS and edged my way down a very dark hall. WATCHing for anything out of the ordinary. Just as I felt it was safe to bolt. Wham, I collided with SOMEONE. A tall dark LURKing fellow! I thought it would be a fight to the death and was ready to kill him. Thinking he was with Mr. Raines. Suddenly, I was being held and his hand was over my mouth, when it dawned on me, he was Shshing me.(Humph..shshing me!?! Like I wanted Raines' goons to find us!) Then he was dragging me farther "intheshadows".*snicker* I started to get my bearings just as we came into a little alcove. A tiny stream of light shone on his face. Oh my gosh, there stood boy wonder, with that cute little look he gets.*grin* He said, I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner! My "UNNAMED SOURCE" didn't run across Mr. Raines' plan till.......he was explaining. I was UDDERLY enthralled. It didn't occur to me, to try to detain him.*evil grin* He had been talking and leading us to a safe place throught mazes of darken halls for sometime. We finally enter a to tell you laters! *evil grin* Next thing I knew, he was offering me a pez!*giggle* He had this little boy smile on his face. Then he said, "They're really very good!" I just had to laugh and hug him. He looked at me with that innocence of his, and asked, Are you okay, Curious? He knew my name!*giggle* And he had just helped me escape the trap Mr. Raines had set for me. Wow! I spent some time with Jarod and the "UNNAMED SOURCE" that day at an undisclosed location!*wink* My report of course, has an UDDERLY different account of these events. What Miss Parker doesn't know, won't hurt her, or me for that matter!*lol* I shallSEE that these two KNIGHT's are protected at all cost! Love ya, guys!*huge @$$ hugs*

One very sad discovery, was the closing of ShallSEE's offices at! Apparently, the information there had to be stowed away and ShallSEE is in hiding to protect her associates here at the Centre Exchange. She is our savior, friend, and is deeply loved and missed. Oh but, rumor has it she has been SEEn in the halls and I did SEE her at the 2nd Anniversary Ball, on June 5, 1999. She arrived to show her love and we spoke biefly about our trip to Alaska. SEEms a certain pilot, inadvertently was found in her room. The mistake was, with much stumbling intheshadows of that darkened room, remedied.*lol* Oh btw, should you be lucky enough to SEE, ShallSEE from time to time, please give her my love. UDDERLY missin her!
