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Curious' SEEcret Life

Hiya I'm Curious! It's nice to have you visit! I am a resident of the Blue Cove, Delaware facility, known as THE CENTRE. It's a sorta think tank, where people like myself, are brought to become a money making commodity.*rolls eyes* I do not remember ever living anywhere else....altho at times, I experience strange moments of déja vu.*frown, which immediately changes to a cheerful smile* I can't be sure but, I'd UDDERLY swear I was someone else.*laughs to hide any pain written on face*

I have been highly trained in all aspects of espionage and counter-espionage. I am an expert in many forms of martial arts.*thinking out loud* I have become a bit lacks in that area, given certain instances at the CE of late.*daydreaming for a moment* Hm..I must brush up on my skills.*evil grin* However, I was at the time distracted by a rather interesting situation.*tries to hide a small blush by hurrying on* I am an expert marksmen with all firearms. My work at the Centre is Classified. I sometimes assist in Transportation. I'm very good at transporting items or people to destinations of a SEEcretative nature.*confident bright smile* I also find skydiving very exhilarating and useful at crucial moments.*smirkish smile* I must tell you, though, my life is rather empty even though it SEEms to be full. Something or someone is missing.*far off look comes over face, shaking it off, smiles and says* Shall we begin your tour? *smile* Come this way.*hand out stretched, showing the way*

About who I am or not? *hehe*

Curious' useful resources(to come)

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Rainwalk with MY lil Muse
Lycos - Search the Web
