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The Great Crater of Glantri

In the dark years of the Great War, a meteor slammed directly into the Silver Sierras of Glantri. The principalities of Caurenze and Blackhill were almost devastated, as were numerous smaller dominions. Worse yet, within a year, the largest horde of humanoids seen in decades came tearing through the devastation from their caverns and homes in the neighboring Broken Lands. Led by the mighty King Thar, the humanoids embarked on a campaign of terror in the beleagured Glantri.

At its height, Thar's horde occupied most of southern Glantri, extending as far as the capital of Glantri City itself. After weathering a terrible plague, Glantri managed to rally its own forces enough to drive the horde back towards the Great Crater, where they were met by the forces of Darokin and its allies.

Yet even attacks by the powerful Heldannic Knights couldn't dislodge Thar's hordes from their new home in the Great Crater, however. Further, the humanoid situation seems to have stabilized in Glantri, as they have become somewhat legitimized under the reign of their new ruler Prince Kol.

As with most things in Glantri, however, appearances can be deceiving.

Welcome to New Kolland and the lands of the Great Crater.

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