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Descendants of Duke of Normandy 1028-1035 Robert I The Magnificent


12. King of England 1100-1135 Henry I "Beauclerc"

He married Eadgyth (who later took the name of Matilda), daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland, who bore him two sons and a daughter. One son died very early, and the other, William, died in the wreck of the White Ship in November 1120, leaving the daughter, Matilda, as the sole heir. Eadgyth died in 1118, and Henry Married Adelaide of Louvain, but the Union produced no offspring. Henry also had two fairly significan illegitimate children-Robert de Mellent, Earl of Gloucester, and Sibylla, Wife of the Scottich King Alexander I.

Henry's was the longest reign of the Norman line, lasting thirty-five years.

Sybil Corbet

Henry I "Beauclerc" King of England
was never married to Sybilla Corbet but fathered 17 children by her of which one is our ancestor Robert de Caen of Gloucester de Mellent, Earl of Gloucester, b Cir. 1090.
Robert supported his half sister in her bid for the throne after her father's death.
He was the one everyone said should have been King. Even his Father.