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Where would you like to go?

Well this is my first web page and I've done it entirely with a Sony WebTV Classic (except for scanning the photos).I've put a page about my personal information.Also there is a page about my car, a1967 Camaro rs.I've put a photo album with pics of friends and family and also one of a few tattoos I've put on people.There is also a page I call my favorites but it should be called something like "The Page To Go To If You Want To Get Your Ass In Big Trouble".Of course I wouldn't ever do any of these things, I just find them interesting.

Also I'm going to have some image pages of images I think are cool that I have found on the FTP server here at Angelfire.There will be one of skulls and reapers, one of backgrounds, and one with adult content.And I'm not taking credit for any of these images I just found them on the FTP server here and thought they were cool.So I hope I don't get any flack from anybody.

Sometimes I hang out in chat rooms but I'm damn sure not gonna tell you my nic.Sometimes you can find me answering questions on the QnA Forum giving my expert advice out free of charge.


Sites Used To Create These Pages

My Imager
Flaming Text
The Transloader
The Animation Factory
Alexander's Image Archive
DeWitt Industries Bionic Buttons


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