UCLA life

So far, life's been good at UCLA. Sure, the dorms are a bit small, the homework a bit hard, and the community a bit crowded (student and faculty = 100,000+), but all these are changes for Tang and Tang likes change.

For his first quarter, he's enrolled in Chem. 20A, Chinese 4A, Intermediate Calc. 35AH, and Communications 10. He's in the honors program though he don't know if he can fulfill the tough requirements they demand. He's got more friends than he ever had in Palm Coast and loves how open-minded and outgoing people are here.

When not in class, Tang's always busy, either fixing up his jacked-up new dorm, doing homework, meeting people, exercising, attending activities for clubs, or finding a job. Oh yeah, he plans on bringing a camera soon, so he could film stunts! And with his R.A. being a film major, he might even be asked to work on some upcoming projects.

The dorms he lives in are filled with problems. DeNeve plaza was furnished in 2 days. The mail doesn't work, the elevator doesn't work, there's testing for alarms daily, and a lot of the furniture has to be fixed. Eck. Email: tangxii@yahoo.com