It's Springtime, and I'm the Killa Bee

Winter quarter was a living hell for Tang. Lots of frustrations and crap to put up with, and also, the exams were really hard. Spring break was spent mostly in apprehension. Bad grades would not only mean a bad GPA, but not enough units for Tang to go into film school. However, Tang's grades remained above the 3.0 standard and Tang was way happy. He went to San Mateo to visit an old friend from FL named Donut! He also started off Spring Quarter with a kickass ITASA (Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Student Association) conference where he made upwards of 100 friends instantly! Here are some pictures of all these kickass events!

Just Chillin!

Tryin not to crash a hella expensive piece!

Simply pimpin!

Chinese party: Jamie, Sophia, Susan, Joe, and Tang

Tang invites you to his underpass...

TAU at ITASA's night market

Tang and Donut's 5-year reunion!

"Do you think I've crossed the line?"

Deneve Floor Picture 1

Deneve Floor Picture 2

Pics from the ITASA conference are here!

