What Lies Ahead...

You ever listen to people who do nothin all day but keep reiterating shit about the afterlife and Heaven and all that ethereal shit? Doesn't it piss you off how they waste time in the here and now to make conjectures about something in the future that probably don't exist--it's no different from those fuckers who killed themselves to ride that comet to Uranus or some shit...

...and that's not accounting for what a choad-nest of a disappointment it would be for them to find out that there was no such thing as a heaven or hell, and they could've lost their virginity before they hit puberty and there wouldn't be a single fuckin' consequence, cept maybe having to be as loose as my goddamn zipper for the rest of their fucking life.

I think these people should just walk around wearing a shirt that says "I'm Christian and won't sleep with you," or something, instead of haivng people invest in them just to find out in the end that they'd rather be fuckin impotent. Plus, mentally, they're so reliant on some almighty being coming to their rescue that they don't seem to rely on doing the dirty work themselves. We'll see who's more arrogant when I go smash their stuck-up, egotistical faces in.