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True Believers


Places to go. People to see. Things to think about...

Planet Earth's Coming Attractions
Is the Economy Heading for a Major "Adjustment"?
Jeff Rense.
"Parascope" A view from above the fog.
The "Great American Treasure Hunt"
"The Watcher" Somebody's got to do it.
Stan and his lovely wife, Holly, from the land down under, welcoming in their "Millennium Ark"
E.T. phone SETI
A site in Norway that reports daily, just what the heck's happening with that pesky sun of ours.
A U.S. government site that also reports on the sun. Who do you believe??
Find out what they're not telling us in the news.
Seen any little green men lately and just got to tell someone?
Do you like to go fishing, and drink too much, while listening to Art Bell on the radio, and blowing your blues harp?

*************** My Pages ***************

"We the people, of these united states..."
Welcome to the "NEW WORLD ORDER"
The "Truth" is out there, somewhere!
This is "Dedicated" to the ones I Love.

We are in an almost constant state of construction.

Hello, again, to you all!! Hope you're all healthy and happy.

With the horrific events of the past 9 days still fresh in our minds, I want to express my sincere hope that all who have been affected by these cowardly acts of hatred, will turn to God and accept His Love and Comfort. God is always there for us. In this time of grief and despair, many people feel that God has abandoned us, but let me reassure them that He hasn't. He has always been there to help us in our darkest hours and He always will be. It is not easy for us to understand how He could still be there for us and let this happen. He did not abandon us, we abandoned Him. We do not pray or ask for forgiveness, or forgive our fellow man. Our pride blinds us. "Vengence" belongs to God not to us. Hatred, murder, and deception are not the charecteristics of God. All that is GOOD flows from GOD. We want to see someone pay for the pain that we feel, but we do not see that someone already did. Jesus took the weight of this horrendous act on himself at Calvary. He took all of our sins to Calvary. Do not make Him bare the weight of our revenge. Ask the Lord God to forgive our brothers who have sinned against us. Only in forgiving, can we be forgiven. Only in loving, can we be loved.


I have spent the last twelve months in the process of regrouping. Slow process! Am still in that process. Doesn't look like I'll be out of it soon. Have moved to Maine. Wish you could come and see me. Keep checking back for updates.

Happy Birthday to Kathy, my honeypie Alysha and her mommy, my sweetie Donna, Sarrah and everyone that I've forgotten to list.
Have two brand new grandsons, Dante & Steven. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

GOD Bless You and keep you safe!

Thank you for visiting. Please come back!
