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Here are some pictures from the 20 year reunion...

Damn we look good!!!


What are the memories that you have that brought you here tonight? What are memories? Are they simply the recollection of a touch, a smell, or of a taste? A first love, or the feeling of a pleasant experience? What about being angry? Or being hurt and in pain? Or of just being alone?

When you look around this room the first thing that you see is the shell of the person that houses the thing from which memories are made. You also see unfamiliar faces that at this moment mean nothing. These are the people of the present, the loved ones of our friends. Make sure that you say hi to them sometime tonight. And to those of you who didn’t attend KHS, I want you to know that you are with a very special person.

What are memories? Well lets start by what they aren’t:
Our memories weren’t the fear of coming to school through a metal detector. We didn’t have to worry about being shot on campus.
It wasn’t the fear of dying from having sex. That was unless a parent or a boyfriend/girlfriend caught you!
It wasn’t the fear of waiting until you were 17 years old to get you driver’s license.
We also didn’t have to worry about if it was okay to pray in school.

Times really have changed.

So what are our memories made of? Let’s look at all the things that each of the members of the Kingsburg Class of “79” do have in common:
No one really knows all of the words to the ”Green and Gold”.
No matter how well you know someone you at least can say that you saw him or her on campus.
You had to have eaten at the snack bar at least once.
We had the first smoking area in the State. Cough... cough…
And, we are all here tonight!

Those are the generic memories that we all should posses. As far as the special memories, those that may be personal, or one’s that have haunted you for years. Just remember that this is 1999 and we should give everyone the chance to be who they are today.

So look around. Ask questions. Mingle. Enjoy yourselves! Share in conversation with those special people, but please try to share with those people you don’t know so well, because chances are that you are one of their memories!

Thank you and welcome to your 20-year reunion, Kingsburg High School Class of 1979!

MAKE SURE THAT YOU SIGN THE GUEST BOOK (it is located on the other page)Inquiring minds want to know who has visited us!!!

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