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Ainngel's Domain

Looking for me?

*SIGH* it's amazing the way that people think. i can't profess to understand it, but to each his own, really. Suffice it to say that I have been left with no choice but to take down a good portion of the site so as to keep 'the invisibles' happy. Rest assured, I will make an effort to bring this site up to speed, but until I can sit down and properly plan it out, I am forced to leave it as bare as possible.
Aaaaaarrrrggghhh!!!! Text, text and more text! I have had a few complaints that there's too much text. And YES, I agree with you. Didn't realize I was subjecting everyone to such a nightmare. A thousand apologies, and a promise that it shall be revamped entirely. You can still take a look, and those of you that accuse me of never updating anything - HAH! go see for yourself. =)
Also, please click on the banner below to support the conservation of sharks: visit STOP SHARK FINNING! make it illegal!
Oh, and while you're at wouldn't mind signing my guestbook, would you?
"Well go into detail!...DELVE!"
- from "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"

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So...what would you like to know?

Who am I? - Well, who are YOU? =)
What do I do? - The New Job!!
What do I like?- Links to friends and favorite sites
Ainngel's Adventures - what's happening in my life
Dreams - Freaky mental meanderings
The Gallery - Skip the Lip, man!
