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What is Wicca?

Many non-Wiccans ask me,"What is Wicca?" To me, Wicca is more than just a religion, it's a way of life. Wiccans worship a goddess and a god. Wiccans celebrate Sabbats and Esbats. Wiccans perform rituals that influence daily life. Many people assume that if your not open about your religion, it's because you're not proud of it or it's not important to you. Well that's not true. Wicca is a very misunderstood religion. We don't like keeping in the closet about it, we just have to. I'm not trying to say that all Wiccans are in the closet, but I and most of the Wiccans I know are. The greatest problem is the misrepresentation of Witches in the media. For decades, it's been green hags on broomsticks with black cats, boiling potions in caldrons, turning people into toads and only coming out on Halloween. These depictions of Witches are despicable and blatently misinformed. Until the media can be corrected, Wicca will never be acceptable in the public eye. Another thing that most people don't know is the fact that there are male Witches. I myself am a male Witch. Now that you know what Wicca is, why not find out "What Wicca is Not."