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Hi! I'm Rosemore!

My computer name is Rosemore,
in real life my name is Nona,
and this is what I look like.

Here are a few things about me.
I am the proud mother of three and
just as proud grandmother of five.
I live in a small town in California.

I am a college student at Taft Community College.
I only have one more semester to go
and I will have an A.S. in Information Management.
I realy enjoy the computer classes.

Here are a few things about me,
some of my likes and dislikes.
As you can tell already,
one of my most favorite things are roses!
Yellow roses are my favorite.
Red is the next best color.
Gardening is relaxing for me.
I have a nice varity of flowers.
I have what I call my bucket garden.
I plant flowers in all kinds of old buckets,
canners, washtubs (no3 and oval),
pails, anything with a bale (handle) on it.
I am a Christian, and proud of it!
I love lifting my hands and my voice in praise to Jesus!

This is the closest weather

to us,
except in Taft it's a little hotter!

Click for Bakersfield, California Forecast

Esther of the Old Testament, was a Godly
humble woman who became a Queen, and was
praised and chosen above all women in her land.
However, she chose to risk everything
including her life,
to defend her family and her people.
As women, in our society, it isn't
always easy to stand up for what is right.
We look to Esther as an example of a strong,
Godly woman who trusted her faith
and followed her heart.
Just click on picture to go to Esther

Next 5
List Sites

This Sisters in Christ Webring
site is owned by
Nona Rodden.

Just click on the album to see my family.

This is my friend Bonnie!

She has inspired me to add another page,
I am going to call it my Links and Such page.
It is going to be a place to put all the
great URL's my friends send me.
(Thanks Janus, JoDee and Sheri!)
Bonnie has created Christian Share,
a wonderful devotional Christian page
that I admire, with many places to visit.
I feel at home there.
So pull up a chair,and sit a spell,
I hope you enjoy my links and such
page as much as I enjoy Bonnie's.
To visit my links page, just click on Bonnie!

Here are some of my favorite people!
Just click on the picture to go there!

Angelfire - Free Home Pages

 Daily Verse!

Verse Changes Everyday!


Please take this dove
and post it on your site
to show support for
~Cancer Victims~
and their families.

Please display this teardrop and link
on your page for all our innocent children
who have shed silent, lonely tears from abuse!

~Violence Against Women~
Support The Second Annual Worldwide
Candlelight Vigil Across The Internet

Here are some great Christian graphics!
I found so many good Christian
graphics that I had to add more pages.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

If you have enjoyed your time here,
please take a moment to vote for my homepage.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.

If you have any questions, comments or
recommendations, or just want to say hi,
please email me!

And while you are here, would you
please sign my guest book?

Please come back and visit again!

I first started this page on July 3, 1999.
I try to work on it a little each day,
even if it's just a graphic or two.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

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Thank you for this award Bernie.

Thank you for this award!
cool site award

Thanks Sheri, for the awards.
You are the kind of friend everyone wants!