
Dianne L.

Road Rovers are a trademark of Warner Bros. Animation

The spotted dog cocked his head, watching the Road Rovers curiously. Hunter was talking to Exile. Colleen and Shag cooed at an unconscious Dawn in Colleen’s arms. Blitz was busily looking at his nails.

“He seems young. To young to be a stray in New York,” Hunter was saying to Exile.

“I know what you meanski, Comrade, but do you really think we should bring him back to the Headquarters?” Exile replied.

Hunter crossed his arms, thoughtfully. “Well, he just saved our lives from a burning building, didn’t he?” He kneeled down infront of the spotted pup, and petted it. The pup’s tongue rolled out of it’s mouth, and his tail thumped happily on the cold, concrete. “Good job, boy!” Hunter took out a dog biscuit, and handed it to the pup, who gulped it down in seconds. “Aren’t you a hungry puppy?!”

“Um, excuse me,” Colleen’s British accent cut in, “but Dawn needs medical attention, and fast!”

Hunter stood up, and walked over to Colleen. He bit his lower lip, examining the

golden retriever. A trickle of blood had dried up by her mouth, and she looked pretty bruised up. “You’re right, Colleen, we should go.” He turned around, ready to pick up the spotted pup, but he was gone. “Hey, where did he go?” Hunter began to sniff for his trail, but Exile stopped him.

“Forget it, Hunter. We need to goski,” Exile told him. Hunter sighed dismissively, and followed the Rovers obediently.


Red opened the back doors of the truck. His expression was grim, as he wheeled out a cage containing a big, whimpering, white dog. He shaded his eyes from the glaring sun of Oregon, and stared at a gray building for a moment. It was the Grosse Eye Lab, and he was ordered to deliver the last surviving dogs from the fire in New York. Of course, all the dogs had survived, but they didn’t know that. Red hated this job, and a part of him regretted that his family couldn’t afford college, so he could have gotten a better education. He was going to quit, but he needed to do this favor for his new friends. The same new friends that helped him get a better job in Washington. The Road Rovers had their connections!

At the back door of the building, he met Professor Garth.

“Red, it’s very nice of you to hand over the last, surviving dog. Too bad. Now, what will you ever do?” Garth taunted.

Red narrowed his eyes. “Yes, what will I ever do.” He snatched the payment from Garth’s hand, and walked away.

Garth smiled. An ugly, cold smile. He took the handle, and wheeled the white dog inside the building.

Red hopped inside the truck, and started the engine. He adjusted his rearview mirror, and saw Hunter hiding behind a thick bush, waving. He smiled, feeling good about what he had done, then drove away.


“This is so boring!” Blitz complained. “Why can’t we bite their tushies?”

“‘Cause some of us here actually has dignity,” Exile answered, leaning against Muzzle.

“Shh!” Hunter said, placing a finger near his mouth.

Exile and Blitz grew silent as as Hunter adjusted the communicator he wore on his head. Colleen’s voice was in the other end, “Come in, Grey Bunny...”

“Yes, Queen Bee?” Hunter said, pushing the talk button.

“This is the last time I’m ever hiding inside Shag’s fur. It’s pretty gross!” Colleen said. There was a whimper in the background. “Oh, no offense, Shag.”

“Sorry, but you’re the only one that fits. Where are you?” Hunter asked.

“Second floor. In a storage room... what is it, Shagster?” There was a pause. “Shag just found Austin and Hope. They’re in a cage right across from us.”

“Get them out of there. We’ll create a distraction or something,” Hunter ordered.

“Okay... but, no really, Hunty, I don’t want to spend another second inside Shag’s fur... The stuff in there are quite frightening.”

“We’ll see, Colleen, we’ll see,” Hunter promised. “Just get Hope and Austin out first okay?”

Colleen sighed. “All right. Roger... Exile, if you say one word, I’ll-”

“Who is-?” Exile began.

Colleen groaned. “Time to get to work, Shagster. Shag?” She found him curled in the far corner of the cage, covering his eyes with his paws. “Come on, Shag... SHAG!”

Startled, Shag snapped up, but banged his head on the top bars of the cage. With a yelp, he curled back into the corner, whining.

“Must I do everything myself?” Colleen said, rolling her eyes. She saw Austin and Hope staring open- mouthed at her. Smiling, Colleen approached them. Austin jumped up infront of Hope, and began to growl a low warning. “Oh, you’re protecting you’re girlfriend? How sweet!” She frowned. “Hunter never did that for me.” Her shoulder sagged. “What do I need to do to that boy?”

She bent over, her palms resting on her knees. She grinned at Austin. “It’s all right, guv! I’m a friend!” Austin’s growl grew stronger, and he used his paws to push Hope back a little. Colleen’s expression grew serious. “I can’t imagine what you two has been through... leaving you so protective like this, but I promise you that I’m not going to hurt you! In fact, I’m going to bring you back to Dawn!”

Austin stopped baring his teeth, and his ears pricked at the mention of the golden retriever’s name.

Colleen brightened. “The name sounds familiar, huh?” She looked at the lock on the cage. “A simple karate chop, would do it.” She straightened her hand, and was about to do damage on the cage, when she heard footsteps heading toward the room. It stopped, and someone was turning the knob on the door. Colleen looked around, spotted some boxes, and quickly dove behind it.

Winston threw open the door. Right behind him was George. They were the felo- mutants the Rovers ran into when they rescued Dawn!

“Which dogs did Garth want?” George asked.

“Those two,” Winston said, pointing at Hope and Austin.

“Why do we need to be taking orders from this stupid humans, anyways,” George grumbled.

“Were not. Were just obeying Jack’s orders to obey the stupid humans,” Winston said.

“Oh,” George said, but he was scratching his head, and he had a very confused expression. “Whatever.” He turned his attention to Shag, who was still covering his eyes with his paws. “Hey, Wins! Check out this stupid, ugly dog!”

“Leave it alone, George,” Winston said.

George laughed, and kicked Shag’s cage. “Stupid, ugly dog! Whatta scaredy cat!”

Colleen’s ears burned, as she stood up from her hiding place. “Why don’t you pick on your own size, tubby! Maybe... Jupiter?”

“A Road Rover!” George gasped.

Colleen placed her two hands on her cheeks in mocked amazement. “Wow! You must be the smart one!”

“A Rover... as expected,” Winston said, smiling.

His words made Colleen pause, a worried expression passed through her pretty face. She shook it off, and leapt high in the air. Screaming, “DR. PEPPER!” She aimed her foot at Winston’s face.

The Siamese ducked, and Colleen’s foot landed into George’s thick hands. He gripped onto her ankle, letting her fall upside down, hanging.

“Hey!” Colleen protested. She tried to fight, but George swung her into a wall, and she fell unconscious.

Winston noticed Colleen’s communicator which fell of her head, and on the floor. He placed it on, and heard Hunter’s franctic voice.

“Queen Bee? Queen.. Colleen, are you okay? What’s going on? Colleen!!!”

Winston grinned, and hissed darkly, “The “queen’s” taking a catnap, right now...” Laughing hysterically at his own joke, he crushed the communicator with his foot.


“They got her!” Hunter cried. “We gotta think of a plan, and fast!”

“Pretty girl dog is in trouble?!” Blitz said, jumping up. “Well, that does it! Let the tushie biting begin!!!”

“No, Blitz!” Hunter yelled, but it was too late. Blitz ran for the guards at the front entrance, his sharp teeth chomping the air, and his claws curled infront of him. The guards immediately took out their guns, and began shooting at him. Blitz stopped abruptly, skidding on the dirt for a few feet. Screaming like a girl, he turned around, and ran. The guards were on his tail.

“Now, tell me again why he’s on the teamski?” Exile asked Hunter, bluntly. He picked up Muzzle’s wheels.

“Hey, don’t ask me! I’m as baffled as you are!” Hunter replied. “We better take advantage of the situation! Let’s go before those guards return!”

They ran for the front door. They slipped in, and watched a young intern talk on the phone, her back turned to them. She filed her nails busily, and didn’t notice Hunter or Exile at all.

Hunter looked left and right, and his eyes landed on an fire emergency alarm switch. He tapped Exile’s shoulder, and motioned towards the elevators. Exile nodded, and tiptoed away, pushing Muzzle with him. Hunter went the other way, counted one to three under his breath, and pulled the switch.

As the fire bell rang loudly, Exile held the elevator doors opened for Hunter. Using his super speed, leaving a trail of fire behind conveniently, Hunter ran into the elevator. The door closed, and Exile’s fist slammed at the button marked ‘2’. Impatiently, they waited for it to reach the second floor.

When the doors finally opened again, Hunter stuck his head out, and saw the last group of people going out the emergency doors. He stepped out the hallway, and surveyed the rows of doors.

“Exile, you and Muzzle go that way, and I’ll look this way,” Hunter commanded.

Without another word, they ran their separate ways. Hunter checked all the doors. Some were locked, and some were labs with abandoned machines or experiments. It was the fourth to the last room where he found Colleen tied and gagged in the middle of the floor. Next to her was Austin and Shag in different cages.

Whimpering at one side was Hope. She was strapped into some machine, and her eyelids were forced opened by hooks. Small drops of liquid slowly fell into her eyes.

“Colleen! Shag!” Hunter ran out the room, and saw Exile wandering around with Muzzle at the opposite side of the hallway. He waved his arms in the air getting his attention, then gesturing towards the room. Exile headed his way, and he ran back inside the room.

Hunter couldn’t decide whether to help Hope or Colleen first. Finally, he quickly pushed the small tube that was dropping the liquid into Hope’s eyes away. He unhooked her eyelids, and she blinked rapidly, whimpering softly. He unstrapped her, and carried her gently. When Exile entered the room, he handed her to him.

Bending on his knees, Hunter began to untie Colleen. She was making desperate, muffled sounds, so he took off her gag. “What is it, Colleen?”

“It’s a trap!” Colleen gasped.

“Uh... I could have told you thatski...,” Exile said, tapping Hunter’s shoulder.

Looking up, Hunter saw six familiar looking cats, hissing at them. “Yet another unexpected twist... bummer!”

All of a sudden, Blitz bursts into the room. “I think I’ve lost them, Hunter, wha-” He saw the cats and let out a scream. He stumbled in the middle with the rest of the dogs.

“Hunter,” Jack hissed a greeting.

“Jack,” Hunter growled back.

“How nice of you to visit, Hunter,” Jack said.

“Oh, no problem at all!” Hunter shrugged, smiling. “I’m so ashamed! I didn’t bring a bottle of wine or anything!

Jack gave him a look. “Hmm... Anyways,” he continued, “you’re just in time for me to exercise my claws.” He revealed all ten of his sharp claws, grinning evilly.

“That’s interesting... Where’s your scratching post?” Hunter said, looking oblivious.

Tapping his chin, Jack cooed, “I was thinking, that maybe you can volunteer?”

“Nah, I’m fine, I’ve done my share of volunteer work, thank you,” Hunter replied.

“Oh too bad... Too bad you don’t have a choice!!!” Jack hissed, and the cats began to close in on them.

Muzzled pulled at his muzzle and growled. Hunter looked at him from the corner of his eyes. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Do we have to take such desperate measures?” Colleen asked, in a mocked depress tone.

“I think were going to have to, Comrade, they’re not playing niceski!” Exile said.

Blitz eyed Carla nervously. “Do it! O please! O please!”

“Rah!” Shag said, nodding.

“Well, that’s unanimous.” Grabbing the release strap, Hunter pulled it and unleashed Muzzle.

The cats’ faces all fell simultaneously as they realized what had fallen upon them... but let’s not get into that. What happened between Muzzle and the felo- mutants are unprintable, and I’m not sure I want to even imagine it.

Let’s join the Rovers as they share a pot of tea. Sitting around a table with a dainty tablecloth, they sipped their teas from porcelain cups. Hunter studied the elegant cup he was holding. “This is really pretty, Colleen. Where did you get them?”

“My grandmum. Oh, I do miss sharing afternoon teas with her. Cream? Sugar?” Colleen said.

“Yes, please... and don’t call me ‘sugar’!” Hunter replied.

“Now there’s your comedy for you,” Colleen responded, promptly. Hope was sitting on Exile’s lap, and Austin was on Shag’s. They were staring at each other from across the table, looking very lost and confused. Slowly, Austin peeked behind him, wondering what was all the racket one crazy rottweiler was making with the cats. Eyes wide, he quickly turned away. His lips curled upward in disgust. Hope buried her eyes under her paws. Then, there was a momentarily silence.

The Rovers looked back, and saw Muzzle lying on the floor, his stomach looking like a fuzzy hill. The cats were struggling to escape out of a small window and onto a black jet.

“I’m the leader, I’m going first!” Jack screamed, jumping into the jet. The rest of the felo- mutants scrambled after him, yelling and hissing at each other.

“Hey!” Hunter cried, as he and the Rovers ran after them. He leaned out the window, missing Winston’s foot by an inch. He shielded his eyes from smoke, when the jet propelled itself into the sky, and disappeared.


The smoke cleared, and the Road Rovers watched as a two figures stepped out of the transdogmafier. One stood tall, his green eyes burned with bright dignity, but also friendliness. It was Austin. His fur was dark brown with a hint of red, his ears pricked, and his eyes were surrounded with a tan circle. He smiled without showing his teeth.

The other was petite, and delicate looking, her brown eyes intelligent and motherly. It was Hope, smiling softly. Her ears were covered with a shoulder- length tumble of little curls. Her silky fur was light brown.

Hope walked right up to Hunter. She looked deeply into his eyes, and said with voice that matched her daintiness, “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

“No problem,” Hunter mumbled. Something about the small spaniel made him blush. No, it was not the same thing that made him blush when he first met Colleen, but his cheeks were red, anyways. He looked at the Master, who stood watching on a balcony, and the Master just gave him a smile.

Austin scratched his head. “Yeah, thanks, mates!” He turned to Colleen. “Sorry to be so nasty, back there. I was just a little wary of anything that went near us... Good looking lady like you should have gotten more courtesy from blokes like me!”

“Oh, stop!” Colleen cried, placing one hand on her cheek. Hope poked Austin’s side. “Excuse Prince Charming here...!”

“Jealous?” Austin asked, tickling Hope’s chin.

“In your dreams,” Hope replied. She turned to Hunter again. “Hunter, where’s Dawn?”

Hunter looked at her eager eyes. Once again, he turned to the Master, his face pleading for help. Hope and Austin glanced at each other, sensing that something was wrong.

The Master cleared his throat. “Hope and Austin, my name is Professor William Sheperd, but you may call me Master. Welcome to Road Rovers’ Mission Control! I am glad to see that you’re both safe and healthy.”

Hope smiled at the white haired man with the glowing eyes. “We are forever grateful for all of your help!”

“Yes, we’re yours to keep!” Austin added, giving the Master a small salutation.

“As for Dawn,” the Master started, “she is not in a well condition...” Hope and Austin’s smiles faded.

“What’s the matter?” Hope asked.

“She had suffered multiple injuries, including a beating she took from one of the men who were running Madame Gastonia’s dog mill. Right now, she is in a coma,” the Master explained.

Hope’s shoulders tensed as she drew in a short, sharp breath, but she kept her face brave. “Is she going to be all right?”

“The last I’ve heard from Professor Hubert, the one taking care of her, if she doesn’t produce any brain activity within this hour... we’ll loose her,” the Master said.

“Can we see her?” Austin asked.

The Master looked at Hunter, and nodded.

Hunter nodded back. “Right this way, guys...”


Hope sat in a white, plastic chair next to a little where Dawn was lying in, hooked on life support. Her hand rested on top of Dawn’s head, patting it every few seconds. Her expression blank, and she was staring straight ahead. Austin stood behind her, his arms crossed. He was staring at the ceiling, a painful look on his face. The only ones with them were Hunter, Colleen, and Hubert. Hunter had sent the rest of the Rovers to get some sleep.

Colleen, Hunter, and Hubert talked softly at the opposite far end of the room. Hubert was showing them a long piece of paper. On the paper is what looked like a chart. “You see, for the last few hours, she has not given a sign of any brain activity. I’ve done everything I can, but it’s no use. We’ll have to let her go.”

“No!” Hunter cried, his fist clenching.

“Are you sure you’ve done everything?” Colleen asked.

Hubert nodded slowly, “I’m sorry.”

There was a silence between the trio. Then, Hunter walked quickly out of the room, looking very upset. Colleen went after him. Austin tapped Hope’s shoulder, and they watched the scene quietly.

Austin kneeled in front of Hope, cupping her hands into his. “Hope...”

“She’s going to be fine, Austin. She’s going to wake up, just watch,” Hope said, her voice sounding hoarse. Her eyes began to water, as she bit her lower lip.

Austin shut his mouth, firmly. He could tell how much Hope was hurting. After all, she was the only one who actually saw their master being murdered. She was the only one fully conscious. Now, she was losing a best friend. It was all too much.

“She’s going to be fine,” Hope repeated with a sob. Austin got up, and embraced her fully. He closed his eyes for he was fighting back his own tears.


“Hunter! Wait up!” Colleen yelled.

Hunter stopped, and waited for her. “What?”

“I knew you had super- speed, but...,” Colleen said, smiling slightly. She was trying to lighten up the atmosphere. One look at Hunter’s haggard face sent her smile out the window. “Oh, Hunty, maybe you should get some rest...”

“She’s like this because of me, Colleen...”

Colleen frowned. “What?”

“She rescued me from Jack, and that’s why she’s like this. She’s going to die because of me, Colleen... It’s my fault!”

“Hunter, no!” Colleen, said, shocked. “None of this was your fault...”

“Yes it is! If Jack haven’t thrown her against the wall, she would be alive!”

Colleen placed her hands on her hips. “If Gastonia Grosse and her cats haven’t attacked their master, she wouldn’t be like this! If she wasn’t beaten by that human in the mill, she wouldn’t be like this! Are those your fault too?!”

Hunter was silent. “Just leave me alone.” Then, he walked away, his head hanging low.

Colleen watched him for a moment. She was hurt. She wiped tears away with her arm, turned around, and headed back. “Oh, Hunter... When will you let me take care of you?” She sniffed, brushing away her silky hair.


Hunter didn’t like doing that Colleen, but he needed to be alone. He entered his room, locking the door behind him. He collapsed on his back on his bed, covering his face with a pillow. He was tired, and stressed out.

When he became leader of the Road Rovers, he never imagined it would become so emotionally complicated. He guess that came with the half- human thing. He thought it would just be kicking bad guy butts, then dog biscuits at the end of the day. Now, they all deal with human emotions. Positive and negative. Thinking about it made Hunter remember when he was a young pup in the streets. He was dirty, and not well- fed. An ugly stray. This was much worse, though.

Yes, he lived in the White House now with all the luxuries. He even had his own secret service bodyguards when he’s over there. He was a legend by now, being the first Rover leader and all. He had great friends, and he had Colleen. He had awesome superpowers. He appreciates, and are grateful for all of these. Not a day passed by that he said thank you.

But when things like this happened. A dog is missing, or kidnapped. A dog is hurt. A dog is abused. A dog is dying... All under his leadership, he can’t help but feel a tiny bit of regret.

He knew it all comes with the job, but it doesn’t make it okay, does it? It’s a very hard responsibility to accept, or to carry. It’s not fun at all.

He let out a whimper, and rolled on his side, hugging the pillow. His eyes landed on a framed picture sitting next to his alarm clock. He grabbed it, and examined it. It was a picture of him, the Road Rovers, and a few other dogs that they are close friends with. He focused on two dogs.

Colleen and him.

He was sitting in the middle, grinning widely. Colleen was kneeling behind him, her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck. Her cheek was pressed against his, and she was smiling softly. With his pinky finger, he traced her outline slowly.

Hunter smiled, but it was a sad, heavy smile. He sighed, feeling drained, and placed the picture away. He closed his eyes.



“Hunter?” said a soft whisper.

Snorting, Hunter woke up. He found himself staring at the floor. “Wha-?” He placed his palms against the floor, and pushed himself up. He had been hanging off the bed, fast asleep.

“Really, Hunty, you should get a bigger bed. You wiggle worse than a little kid,”

Colleen joked, but she was not smiling.

Hunter yawned. “What’s wrong?”

“Dawn... she... she’s not going to make it...,” Colleen whispered, her hands clasped together. “Everyone’s waiting for you, Hunter...”

Shoulders sagging, Hunter got up from his bed, straightening his clothes.

“I’m sorry,” Colleen added.

Hunter placed his hands on her shoulders. “No, Colleen, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you... You’re right, it wasn’t my fault. These things happens, I guess...”

Colleen smiled a little, and shrugged. “It’s a dangerous game, Hunter. No, let me rephrase that, it’s a war, guv. Some die, some survive.”

“War is hell,” Hunter muttered, shaking his head.

“Exactly,” Colleen agreed. She looked at Hunter with a caring gaze. “But I will always be here for you, Hunty- wunty. I hope you know that.”

“I do,” Hunter said. Then, coming from nowhere, he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, and walked out the room.

Colleen followed him, her fingers resting on her forehead. She smiled, and muttered, “Maybe there’s hope for you yet, Hunter...”


“No, no, no, NO!” Hope screamed. She was beating the mattress on Dawn’s bed, repeatedly. “Don’t you do this to me, Dawn! Wake up! Wake up!”

“Hope, stop it!” Austin cried. He grabbed his shoulders, and pulled her back.

“Let me go!” Hope yelled, and finding some strength, broke away from Austin.

She pushed him back, and ran back to Dawn. “You’re not going to die! You’re going to wake up right now! Do you hear me?!? WAKE UP!”

Hunter and Colleen entered the room, their mouths opened. They looked at each other, troubled.

Exile greeted them, “Comrade Hope is having a break dance.”

“No, Exile, it’s called a break down,” Hunter corrected. “That would have been funny under different circumstances...” Shag came to him, whimpering. “I know, Shag. I’m sad too.” He turned his attention back to Hope and Austin.

Hope crumbled on the ground, her face buried in her hands. Austin kneeled on one knee next to her, and tried to put his arm on her shoulders, but she shoved him away.

“Hope, she’s gone... There’s nothing we can do...,” Austin whispered.

“I- I can’t let her die, Austin, like Dianne did! I can’t loose another love one! I’m still not over the first one, and this is killing me!!! I can’t do it anymore!” Hope wailed.

“It’s time,” Hubert said, gravely. “Please, say your good-byes-”

Before Hubert could finish, Hope got up, and pushed him away. “NO!” She threw herself on Dawn, sobbing. “Dawn, Dawn, Dawn....”


Dawn heard Hope say her name over and over, but couldn’t see her. She walked around on her four legs, sniffing for anything familiar. She was alone, but she felt very calm. She sensed that she was in a peaceful place.... but where is Hope’s voice coming from?!

“Hear that? You’re wanted back, Dawn,” a voice said to her.

Startled, Dawn whirled around, and tripped over her own feet. The voice laughed, and she felt two hands help her up. Looking up, Dawn saw the smiling face of Dianne, and her tail began to wag a hundred miles a minute.

“You were always the comedic one, Dawn,” Dianne said, smiling. She hugged the excited retriever. Dawn was happily licking her face. “You can’t stay here, Dawn.”

Dawn’s ears pricked, and she whimpered in protest.

“I know, sweetie, I missed you too, but it’s not your time! Listen...”

Dawn cocked her head, and heard Hope’s desperate sounding voice again. She whimpered, sniffing the air, trying to find her.

“You’re going back,” Dianne said, kissing the top of her head. “There’s so much you can do with the Road Rovers.” She pinched Dawn’s cheeks, as she always use to do, and placed her nose against her cold, wet one. “Make me proud. I love you...”


It took Austin and Hunter to hold back Hope, who was crying uncontrollably.

“Hope, please... calm down...,” Austin whispered.

“Austin... don’t let them do this! Please! Please!” Hope begged, sobbing.

“I’m sorry, Hope...,” Austin said, his voice cracking. He couldn’t stand the way

Hope was looking. She was miserable. He was especially afraid of what will happen after it was all over. He feared that Hope would loose the will to live, and that she might leave him all alone. He shook away the thought.

“No....!” Hope moaned. She tried to yank away from Hunter and Austin grips.

Hubert reached for the switch to turn off Dawn’s oxygen.

“DON’T!” Hope screamed, trying to kick the men to get free.

Frustrated, Austin grabbed her away, and into a tight hug. For a second, Hope tried to wiggle away, but she finally grew limp, and sobbed softly in Austin’s chest. Austin rested his head on top of hers, rocking her.

The Master gave Hubert a nod to continue. Hubert was about to flip the switch off, when Colleen’s hand flew out of nowhere grabbing his wrist, and she yelled, “Wait!”

“Colleen!” Hunter said, surprised. Everyone was surprised, and stared at her.

But her eyes were twinkling, and she was smiling. Colleen pointed at a monitor. “Look!”

They looked, and their eyes grew wide. The flat line that was registrating her brain activity, was suddenly making sharp projections. Slowly at first, but then faster.


Hope slowly rose from Austin’s chest, and saw everyone’s smiling faces. “She’s alive...”

“It’s a miracle!” Hubert cried.

They all watched as Dawn’s tail wagged twice, and she let out a small whimper.

“A miracle...,” Hope repeated in a small whisper, that only Austin heard her. Then, she closed her eyes, and grew heavy.

Austin supported her in his arms. “Hope?”

“I think she collapsed from exhaustion,” Hunter said, softly. “Here, I’ll show you a room to put her in. They’ll take care of Dawn. She’s going to be fine!”

Austin smiled, picking up Hope. “Thank you, Hunter. You’re every good thing that I’ve heard.”

Hunter grinned. His heart was soaring. It was things like that, that made him happy to be the leader of the Road Rovers. To be a Road Rover. All his regrets vanished. He patted Austin on the back. “No, Austin, thank you...!”

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