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New Pictures! 06-20-02

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Name: Kelly

Sex: Female

Age: I look 17, but if you ask me nicely I'll tell you the truth. *sweet smile*

Hair: I'm growing out the flaming red, decided to go back to my roots, pun intended. :D

Eyes: from outside to right inside my irises, blue, green, then light brown.

Physique: Short but more to love

Marital Status: Single

Family: Besides having a mother and a father, I have a 38 year old sister who finally found a decent man I wouldn't mind calling an in-law. I also have a wonderful seven year old son who is my best friend and joy of my life. I enjoy teaching him how to belch and make armpit farts. I have a best friend named Heather who was there when my son was born and even cut the cord, we've been best friends for 9 years now. I have a cat named Charly. When I had my very first apartment, I had a cockroach named... oh darn, what was his name again? Frances maybe? No wait, he was a German cockroach, so I gave him a good German name, but I can't remember what it was.

Likes: Sushi (I liked it so much I researched how to make it online about 5 years ago and have been doing it ever since!), Tofu, Miso Soup, glitter, Taz, PowerPuff Girls, Gilmore Girls, Charmed, college, beer, Midori Sours, Scooby Snax, antique furniture, surprises, yellow roses, capri pants, Datsun 240z's, massages, cuddles, candles, incense, purple, blue, green, straight hair, zuchini bread, poppyseed muffins, Anais Nin (erotica), Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hole, No Doubt, Portishead, Amber, Ian van Dahl, Jakatta, Laut Spretcher, Zombie Nation, Alice DeeJay, Kate Ryan, Sarina Paris, Enya, sounds of the ocean, Sarah McLachlan, The Ten Things I Hate About You, The Mod Squad, Sleepwalk by Santo and Johnny, caffeine, walks on cold wet sand, Washington State, rain, snow, trees, toe rings, white gold, The Bay Street Coffee Shop on Five Corners, meaningful conversation with someone close or perfectly strange aquaintance.

Dislikes: Dishonesty, narrow minded people, the never balancing scale of high rent and low wages, deadbeat dads, evil people that swindle families out of the estates of elderly loved relatives that have passed on, Starbucks, preppy guys that drive Beamers that steal the parking space that you were waiting ten minutes for in front of Sushi Lovers next DOOR to Starbucks.

Location: Union City, California

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