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Sierra-Marie Paige

Welcome to my Photo album of my beautiful daughter!

She was born at a WHOOPING 1 pound three an a half ounces and was three month early! But she is as perfect as anyone could ask for! I have to thank my wonderful Doctor, Amy Shaw and all of great Doctor at UCSF and the Nurses in the ICN! They were all great and very supportive through this! Thank goodness we knew that I would get sick and not be able to carry the full 9 month! If there are any premmie parents out there and they need to chat feel free to e-mail me! I lived and breathed Hospital lingo and was lucky enough to be able to bring my angel home at a HUGE 2pound 15 ounces! Not many people get to DO that! We could not believe it when the doctors said come and get her! There is NO reason for your daughter to be here! She is totally healthy and will thrive with no problems!

Almost home! a little more then 2 months old

This is a picture of Sierra-Marie about a week before we brought her home from the hospital. Try finding clothes for a baby that small! yeeeeeesh! We finally searched the web and found a place but I can not think of it right now!

WHEW! made it home!

Well I have to say once we got that little bundle, and I do mean little, of joy home I was overjoyed! Well at least I was, Grandma's and Grandpa's were a little freaked! " What kind of doctor sends home a baby that only weights 3 POUNDS!" Well they did and I have to say it was a great idea on their part!

I think she was getting tired of all the camera's and people staring at her! STOP STOP STOP she says!

Dinner time!

Feeding time was always one of my favorite times! Sierra was so small and to see her slowly increase her feedings and slowly gain her weight was in it self great! I loved every moment of feeding time.

Sierra started her feedings at 1 cc and slowly moved up to a whole 2 oz. when we brought her home!
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