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Member's Status


Cerealean City Gym Leader: Water


Wartortle lv. 16 stats:32 16 8 16 HP:36 Moves: bubble, tackle, tail whip, bubblebeam

Gyarados lv. 21 stats: 42 21 10 42 HP: 41 Moves: Splash, tackle, bite, bubblebeam

Staryu lv. 23 stats: 46 23 11 23 HP: 43 Moves: water gun, tackle, bubblebeam

Vulpix lv. 12 stats: 24 12 6 12 HP: 32 Moves: ember, tail whip, quick attack

Butterfree lv. 16 stats:32 16 8 16 HP:36 Moves: Tackle, Harden, confusion, stun spore

Jigglypuff lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: sing, pound

Ponyta lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Ember

Vaporeon lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack

Geodude lv. 5 stats:10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: Tackle

Zubat lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Leech Life

Pikachu lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Thundershock, Growl

Rattata lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip

Horsea lv. 7 stats: 14 7 3 7 HP:27 Moves: Bubble

Pidgey lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: gust, sand attack

Clefairy lv. 14 stats:28 14 7 14 HP:34 Moves: Pound, Growl, Sing

Paras lv. 11 stats: 22 11 5 11 HP:31 Moves: scratch

Dratini lv. 17 stats: 34 17 8 17 HP:37 Moves: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave

Eevee lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves:Tackle, Sand-Attack

Geodude lv. 9 stats:18 9 4 9 HP:29 Moves: tackle

Kakuna lv. 9 stats:18 9 4 9 HP:29 Moves: poison sting, string shot, Harden

Pidgey lv. 5 stats:10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves:Gust

Butterfree lv. 11 stats: 22 11 5 11 HP:31 Moves: Tackle, string shot, harden

Oddish lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: absorb

Cubone lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: bone club, growl

Gastly lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: lick, confuse ray, night shade

Drowzee lv. 9 stats:18 9 4 9 HP:29 Moves: pound, hypnosis

Seel lv. 14 stats: 28 14 7 14 HP:34 Moves: Headbutt

Shellder lv. 10 stats: 20 10 5 10 HP:30 Moves: tackle, withdraw

Money: $6,700

Items: 4 Poke Balls, Super Rod, TM bubblebeam (unlimited), 5 TM Bide, 2 PokeEggs- Squirtle lv. 8 to hatch 4/23/00, 1 PokeEgg- Squirtle lv. 8- to hatch: 4/25/00, 1 PokeEgg- Zubat lv. 3 to hatch: 5/3/00, 1 PokeEgg- Pikachu lv. 4 to hatch: 5/3/00, 1 PokeEgg- Vulpix lv. 10 to hatch: 5/3/00, 2 PokeEggs- Pidgey lv. 6 to hatch 5/5/00, 1 PokeEgg- Charmander lv. 5 to hatch- 5/22/00, 1 PokeEgg- Charmander lv. 5 to hatch- 5/22/00, 1 PokeEgg- Bulbasaur lv. 6 to hatch: 6/29/00

Badges: Cascade, Boulder



Growlithe (flamefur) lv. 11 stats: 22 11 5 11 HP: 31 Moves: fire blast, bite, roar

Charmander lv. 11 stats: 22 11 5 11 HP: 31 Moves: Scratch, growl, fire blast,

Vulpix lv. 16 stats: 32 16 8 16 HP:36 Moves: fire blast ember, tail whip, quick attack

Bulbasaur lv. 6 stats:12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: Tackle, Growl

Clefairy lv. 6 stats:12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: Pound, Growl

Money: $5,000

Items: 6 Poke Balls & TM Fire Blast (unlimited)



Bulbasaur lv. 7 stats: 14 7 3 7 HP:27 Moves: Tackle, Growl, leech seed

Pidgey lv. 3 stats: 6 3 2 3 HP:23 Moves: gust

Pikachu lv. 14 stats:28 14 7 14 HP:34 Moves: Thundershock, growl, Thunderwave

Eevee lv. 4 stats:8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Tackle, Sand-Attack

Geodude lv. 4 stats:8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Tackle

Kabuto lv. 17 stats: 34 17 8 17 HP:37 Moves: Scratch, Harden

Poliwag lv. 6 stats:12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: bubble

Caterpie lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Tackle, String Shot

Ditto lv. 20 stats:40 20 9 20 HP:40 Moves: Transform

Money: $400

Items:6 Poke Balls, 5 TM bubblebeam, Super Rod

Badges: Cascade



Charmander lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Scratch, growl,

Money: $2,000

Items: 2 Poke Balls



Saffron City Gym Leader: Pyschic


Squirtle lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: tail whip, tackle,

Poliwag lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: bubble

Abra lv. 10 stats:20 10 4 10 HP:30 Moves: Teleport

Slowpoke lv. 18 stats: 36 18 9 18 HP:38 Moves: Confusion, Disable

Drowzee lv. 15 stats: 30 15 7 15 HP:35 Moves: Pound, Hypnosis

Clefairy lv. 20 stats:40 20 9 20 HP:40 Moves: Pound, Growl, Sing, Doubleslap

Money: $2,850

Items: 4 Poke Balls, super rod, 2 great balls, 2 super potions, 1 lemonade, 1 paralyz heal, 1 awakening, 1 antidote



Vermillion City Gym Leader: Electric


Pikachu lv.11 stats: 22 11 5 11 HP:31 Moves: Thunder shock, Growl, Thunder Wave

Charmander lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Scratch, growl,

Magneton lv. 31 stats:62 31 15 31 HP:51 Moves: Tackle, Sonic Boom, Thunder Shock, Super Sonic

Electrode lv.32 stats: 64 32 16 32 HP:52 Moves: Tackle, Sreech, Sonic Boom, Self Destruct, Light Screen

Jigglypuff lv.3 stats: 6 3 2 3 HP:23 Moves: Sing, pound

Money: $5,000

Items: 1 Poke Ball, TM Thunder Bolt (unlimited)

Badges: Thunder,


Pewter City Gym Leader: Rock


Bulbasaur lv.5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Tackle, Growl

Geodude lv.12 stats: 24 12 5 12 HP:32 Moves: Tackle, Defense Curl,

Onix lv. 15 stats: 30 5 7 15 HP:35 Moves: Tackle, Screech, Bind

Aerodactyl lv. 16 stats: 32 16 8 16 HP:36 Moves: Wing Attack, Agility,

Pidgey lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: Gust, Sand-Attack

Zubat lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: Leech Life

Vaporeon lv. 3 stats: 6 3 2 3 HP:23 Moves: Tackle, Sand-Attack

Goldeen lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: Tail Whip, Peck

Zapdos lv. 16 stats: 30 5 7 15 HP:36 Moves: Thundershock, Drill Peck

Spearow lv. 11 stats:22 11 5 11 HP:31 Moves: Peck, Growl, Leer

Kakuna lv. 7 stats: 14 7 3 7 HP:27 Moves: Poison sting, string shot

Dratini lv. 15 stats: 30 15 7 15 HP:35 Moves: wrap, leer, thunder wave

Sandshrew lv. 10 stats: 20 10 5 10 HP:30 Moves: Scratch, Sand-attack

Vulpix lv.3 stats: 6 3 2 3 HP:23 Moves:Ember, Tail Whip

Gastly lv.5 stats:10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves:Lick, Confuse Ray, Night Shade

Vulpix lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: Ember, tail whip

Nidoran male lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: leer, tackle

Nidoran female lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: growl, tackle

Mankey lv. 7 stats: 14 7 3 7 HP: 27 Moves: leer, tackle

Pikachu lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: growl, thundershock

Drowzee lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: pound, hypnosis

Koffing lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: tackle, smog

Nidoran male lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: leer, tackle

Nidoran female lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: growl, tackle

Vulpix lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Ember, Tail Whip

Vulpix lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: Ember, Tail Whip

Eevee lv. 3 stats: 6 3 1 3 HP:23 Moves:Tackle, Sand-Attack

Geodude lv. 8 stats:16 8 4 8 HP:28 Moves: tackle

Zubat lv. 4 stats:8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves:leech life

Dratini lv. 15 stats: 30 15 7 15 HP:35 Moves: wrap, leer, thunder wave

Pidgey lv. 4 stats:8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves:Gust

Butterfree lv. 10 stats: 20 10 5 10 HP:30 Moves: tackle, string shot

Weedle lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: string shot, poison sting

Bellsprout lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 Moves: vine whip, growth

Vulpix lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Ember, Tail Whip

Poliwag lv. 10 stats: 20 10 5 10 HP: 30 Moves: bubble

Squirtle lv. 8 stats: 16 8 4 8 HP 28 Moves: tackle, tail whip, bubble


Items: 6 poke balls, Good Rod, TM 34 Bide (unlimited), 5 TM bubblebeam, 1 rare candy

Badges: Boulder, Cascade



Charmander lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Scratch, Growl

Weedle lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Poison Sting, string shot

Moltres lv.15 stats: 30 15 7 15 HP:35 Moves: Peck, Fire Spin

Money: $2,000

Items: 1 Poke Balls




Squirtle lv. 9 stats:18 9 5 9 HP:29 Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip

Geodude lv. 4 stats:8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: tackle

Weedle lv. 5 stats: 10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot

Slowpoke lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: Confusion,

Voltorb lv.7 stats: 14 7 3 7 HP:27 Moves: Tackle, Screech

Zubat lv. 11 stats: 10 20 5 10 HP:31 Moves: Leech Life, Supersonic

Growlithe lv. 5 stats: 10 5 2 5 HP:25 Moves: Bite, Roar Money: $800

Items: 4 Poke Balls, super rod




Charmander lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Scratch, Growl

Butterfree lv. 16 stats: 32 16 8 16 HP:36 Moves: tackle, string shot, harden, confusion

Oddish lv. 15 stats: 30 15 7 15 HP:35 Moves: Absorb, poison powder

Drowzee lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Hypnosis, Pound

Bellsprout lv. 3 stats: 6 3 2 3 HP:23 Moves: Vine Whip, Growth

Butterfree lv. 10 stats:20 10 5 10 HP:30 Moves: tackle, string shot, harden

Caterpie lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: tackle, string shot

Caterpie lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: tackle, string shot

Bellsprout lv. 6 stats: 12 6 3 6 HP:26 Moves: vine whip, growth

Koffing lv. 14 stats: 28 14 7 14 HP: 34 Moves: tackle, smog, toxic

Venonat lv. 19 stats: 38 19 9 19 HP:39 Moves:tackle, disable, leech life

Ivysaur lv.16 HP: 32 stats: 32 16 8 16 moves: sleep powder, tackle, growl, leech seed, vine whip, toxic Money: $1,300

Items: 5 Poke Ball(s)




Bulbasaur lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Tackle, Growl

Money: $2,000

Items: 2 Poke Balls



Cinnabar Island Gym Leader: Fire


Squirtle lv. 5 stats:10 5 3 5 HP:25 Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip

Magmar lv. 10 stats: 20 10 5 10 HP:30 Moves: Ember

Charmander lv. 15 stats: 30 15 7 15 HP:35 Moves: Scratch, Growl Ember, Leer

Vulpix lv. 13 stats: 26 13 6 13 HP:33 Moves: Ember, Leer

Eevee lv. 3 stats: 6 3 2 3 HP: 23 Moves: tackle, sand attack

Pidgey lv. 4 stats: 8 4 2 4 HP:24 Moves: gust

Geodude lv. 8 stats: 16 8 4 8 HP:28 Moves: tackle

Money: $0

Items: 2 Poke Balls
