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My Secrets in the Pokemon Game

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"Missing NO."

Many people have known this secret! Okay, if you want to catch this Pokemon, MissingNo., #000, trade a Pokemon with anyone (recommend: trade one at Cinnabar Island). Fly, not swim, to Cinnibar Island or Seafoam Island. On the right-bottom cornor of the island, swim up and down, half land, half water/ocean. When you meet a Pokemon..wait for about 3-7 seconds and there you have it, MissingNo.! Information by: Viet Hoang-Tran and Matt Boywer

"How to catch a Pokémon over Level 100 or meet another MissingNO."

This is the best trick I ever liked but could be the hardest! First, pick your highest level Pokemon and many Pokeballs. Second, go to the in Viridian City. Meet a guy who asks you, "Are you in a Hurry?" Say "No". He'll teach you how to catch a Pokemon..blah, blah, blah, and blah (You know how). After that, follow the 1st secret where the sentence starts "Fly, not swim, to Cinnibar...." After you catch your Pokemon over level 100, do not let your Pokemon fight with any single thing that's part of the game, only fight with another person on a Game Boy Link Cable. Got it? Information by: Matt Bowyer

"There was a funny trainer when I used the MissingNo. Secret"

Well, the trainer that you could meet when you use the 2nd secret is named "Cool Trainer". This Pokemon fighter carries all Pokemons that are over level 100. One of them is MissingNo. and Nidorino. The others are like messed up or something like MissingNo. (Most of them are weak by Water) If you defeat this trainer, you definently a Pokemon Master by defeating a Pokemon over Level 100! Information by: John Vu

"Duplicate Items w/out Game Shark Or Game Genie"

My favorite trick to Cheat in the Pokemon Game. Do the same thing as the 1st or 2nd secret but don't catch the Pokemon yet. Put the item you want to Duplicate on the 6th item in your item box. Swim up and down at the the right bottom cornor, half land and water. Fight Missing No. or the Trainer, there you have it. If it says the same number, go to the PokeMart or the Pokemon Center, and there you have it. If that still doesn't work, you done something wrong. Information by: Matt Bowyer and Viet Hoang-Tran

"How to catch Yoshi"

(Testing to see if it's true)

You heard it, Yoshi, number #9999! First catch a Dratini in the Red Version. Second trade a Dratini with another Dratini to a Blue Version. The Dratini at the Blue Version, evolve it from a Dratini into a Dragonite. Trade the Drangonite back to the red version. The Dratini to the Blue Version back. Get a Fire Stone. Go to the Unknown Dungeon. Go to the place you met MEWTWO (note: you have to go to the place where MEWTWO sat at before. Use the Fire Stone on Drangonite and let's see what happen. I've never tried this trick before but that's one idea from a friend who had a Yoshi told me. Information by: Phong Mach, Andrew Nguyen, and Matt Bowyer

"Have 150 Pokémon before you start the game"

(Testing to see if it's true)

When you turn on your game, and see Ash, wait until Flareon comes by and press LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN, UP, and UP! There you have it! Found by Cory Phillips

(E-mail him )

"Catch Togepi"

(Testing to see if it's true)

Train your Eggxecute up. Defeat the Elite Four 6 to 10 times with Eggxecute. After that, go to Professor Oak and talk to him. Found by Phong Mach

"Another way to catch Togapi"

(Testing to see if it's true)

It's similar to the secret on top but a little different. Train your Eggxecute up. Defeat the Elite Four 10 times in a row w/out healing during the fighting. Go to Professor Oak behind his house. Talk to him and there you have it. Found by Viet Hoang Tran.

"How to catch Pika-blu"

(Testing to see if it's true)

First, you must have 17 Pokemon level 100. Have five Pokemon with you only. Go to Pewter City and find a man that ask if you have went to the Museum next to the Pokemon. (This person didn't tell me to say "NO" or "YES" when you tried it out E-mail me) Go into the museum and speak to the girl who wants to have Pikachu. When you get outside the door, don't move a muscle (meaning don't move Ash anywhere). Fly to Safari Zone and capture a Taurus (sorry about the spelling). Put it in 1st place. Leave the Safari Zone. Fly to Pallet Town. Go to Professor Oak and talk to him. Then go to the man who nicknames Pokemon and talk to him (I'll search which city it is in). Found by Phong Mach.

"Ghost/Phantom/Invisible PC"

Well, you could call it anything you want...I don't care. In Celadon City, there's a Motel located at the Southern houses. Go into the Motel, go Right until you hit the wall. Go into the middle (between the Motel stand and the South wall of the hotel. Look up North. Click 'A'. Walla! There's a PC.

"Stand on the Tree during the game"

This is a lame trick but a weird one. All you have to do is cut a tree down. Stand where the tree was. Save the Game. Turn off the GameBoy. Then turn it on, continue, and there you have it.

"Catch a Safari Pokémon outside of the Safari Zone"

This is an easy trick to catch Kangaskan, or Tauros. Go to the place in the Safari Zone where you want to catch the Pokémon you like. Go around there until you met your Pokémon or until time runs out. Go to Cinnabar Island. Swim up and down, half land and water, on the right side of the island, and you may meet it. If you don't meet it for the first time, be just be patient.

"Make your attack stronger"

When you're battling you could make your attacks stronger by pressing UP and the button A continuously when you see the attack in action. Found by "Derek"

(E-mail him )

"How to turn Missingno. into Mario"

(Testing to see if it's true)

Catch Missingno, (Cheat located on top) and then name it "Mario". Fly to Saffron City with Missingno in the number 1 spot of the Pokemon. Talk to the manager. (Still asking) Fiddle with the CD. Missingno will evolve into Mario who has fire blast and Fire spin after he is done evolving. Information by: Zekk Thyneand

"How to get God Stone"

(Testing to see if it's true)

First go to the "UNKNOWN DUNGEON" and go to every river. Go up twice and press A. Keep on doing that to every river until you see on your way around the Unkown Dungeon. There is the God Stone. Found by Greg Gnos

"Turn Onix to DMOnix"

(Testing to see if it's true)

Catch an Onix (DUH!) Train it to Level 60. Then trade it back and forth to another gameboy 20 times. It will then evolve into DMOnix. Found by DOGUS15118

"How to get an HM 06"

(Testing to see if it's true)

Beat the Elite 4 for 100 times. Then only talk to Nurse Joy at Indigo Plateau and you receive HM06. You find what it is. Found by DOGUS15118

"How to get a Kangaskhan"

(Testing to see if it's true)

Catch a Missingno. at the cheat aboce. Where it should be at level 0. Give a rare candy and then watch.

"Another way to get MEW"

Go to Vermilion City. Go on the S.S. Anne. Then get Cut.(I suggest you save before getting Cut, just in case it doesn't work) Then lose in a battle with someone on the S.S. Anne. When you end back to the Pokemon Center, you will have cut and the ship will still be there but if you go back to it it will leave. Beat the Elite four and get all 150 Pokemon. Go back to Vermilion City and go back to the S.S. Anne before going inside. Surf into the water to a Land with the truck. Use Strength and Move the rock out of the way and Mew will pop up or there will be a pokeball with Mew in it. Fight Mew and to catch Mew. I suggest you use a masterball because he is hard to get. Found by:

"Float over anything with a Gameshark Code"

Gameshark code so you can float over anything. The code is 010A14D7. The only problem with this code is that it will turn your game off and it might erase the data file but so far nothing has happened to game, also you have to jump over a wall to float when you get to a place that you want to go that you can't go in the game regularly, turn the gameshark to normal and it will drop you. Found by: LFLynnie "How to get an easy Kangaskan"

Talk to a guy who shows you how to catch a weedle. Fly to Cinnibar Island. Surf up and down the right side of Cinnibar Island till u find 'M' (look alike Missingno.) Catch it. After you catch it give it a rare candy. Walla!

If you have anymore secrets that you like me to post up here please E-mail me by pressing the button - Or if you have test one of the ones I'm testing, and it works, please E-mail me back as soon as you could! Just give me the secret and your FIRST and LAST name. Thank you for visiting!

Are Information that I've got was from the people who I listed: Phong Mach, Matt Bowyer, Viet Hoang-Tran, Cory Phillips, Andrew Nguyen, Zekk Thyneand, and "Derek".

Pokemon have been served since June 9, 1999! Thank you for all that have visited!
